Extabit.com File Hosting

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I really did try to support Extabit before, but I gave up and I notice that those uploaders that use their links dont get as many hits by members, as those that use other File Host links.....

Thats your answer guys & Ive told my uploaders thats why they are not doing so well as the others and why they are losing $$$ :sun:
So, the affiliate program is open to all members?
Or is it just going to be temporary till they fix their system.
It's open by coincidence, it will be fixed soon.
All accounts registered in this time will be deactivated, so there's no point to even try it.
we keep 100GB of inactive files (files that are not downloaded), if you exceed the 100GB limit, all files above the limit will be deleted

Yeah but when I go to inactive files i also see there files were was downloaded many times.
Isn't all files there sholuld have 0 downloads ?
I have a problem does not appear to me to bookmark partners / stats do not see how much I earned, I see only the file manager when I click on the account settings only pops up, what is it?
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