Extabit.com File Hosting

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Today I got 1 rebill, no sales :)

for last 30 days there wasnt a day when would extabit count sales and rebils wrong so shut up please !

I sent you an pm balak. please check :)

@balak : check pm
Thanks you

I can confirm sales and rebills are both working fine. Just because you have high download rates doesn't mean you'll certainly get sales. Just try to think if you can before blaming people 'cause of something you can't do.

i m 101% sure they are not counting sales :| 1000+ Downloads and not sale even my files block on 400MB :O

What u want ... after making this type of replies.. if u have a problem with extabit . then just kick it.. there are too many other filehosts u can use themm.. some one say sales not counting :)) Some one say Sales working Perfect .. sales counting is same for everyone.. they are not checking every account that this acc is making sales so cut some sales.. this guyy is new soo give him some sales so he will workk.. u guys think like this.. but a sales counting is same for every thing . some users ask that blak check pm denis check pm .. please repli.. if u send them pm when the staff will online u will get responce.. this is a official support thread. u guys just spam this thread nothing more...

I personally make an ExtaBiT Discussion Thread Soo next time Post ur problem on Discussion Thread not here.. hope u guys understand.. and i hope mod will clear this thread ..

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