Extabit.com File Hosting

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If it is the truth Denis, then yes write it on the forums.

Instead you will lie to the users and wait until your pockets get fat with cash and then you will scam everyone and leave without so much as a good bye.

I know what type of person you are because at the beginning our first contact you tried to bend the truth, even though the questions I was asking were already answered on the forums. I asked about issues being openly discussed on the forums and you tried to deny they existed until I told you exactly where it was posted.

I told you then I would ban your file host from my sites and I did. Your company still has issues and it looks like it is getting worse to me.
Yes Move to any other host :) i m in 50Peoples coz from 1 week i didnt get any sale :p ill post up to 500+ movies ul.to i m geeting sales lol :p I said 100 my stat not working fine but he said working fine may be thats out badluck we not geeting sale and may be stat problems cant say anything
I do not accuse champ of champs, in the past when I was earning 100$ per day from filesonic, lots of people telling me and accusing me when people has same problem
like here for extabit. I just want to earn money, I do not want to be bill gates.
Just I need good explanation, instead of being ignored.

Guys guys guys why fighting with each other ... I see people hate maybe because of the following reasons..

They did not get paid they earned (Because of Alertpay limited)
They are not getting sales like 2 weeks before (Maybe everyone has Extabit account or crowd is confused and scattered on different hosts)

There will be no gain if you keep fighting like cats and dogs

I think mods should take action on such debates (send infraction) So that everyone stay on Topic
Spreading 5 quality post on biggest Warez Forum & Portals are better than posting 100 posts on 200 stupid forums & Portals ;)


Your sales count on your content plus place of spreadings!!

So don't be act like crying bitches :|

Its not about the QUANTITY its about the QUALITY.
lolz. Are you BITCH? ha? because no one is crying except you :|. Everyone knows that what are the meanings of that words in such forums. We don't ACTUALLY mean when we use that wording e.g. we said many times Fuck You man, blah blah balh... was that meaning of ACTUALLY fucking? :O

And one more thing, You even don't know how to make a Quality POST. So first of all learn something about Post Making then crying for sales ok.

PS: Don't take it on heart baby ;)
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