Explanation Of The New Rapidshare System (FAQ)

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Active Member
I found this on another forum and felt it really useful and easy to understand the new RapidShare system. So I thought I'll post it here and share it with the Wjunctuion members.

Question 1-A: If i have more less than 50,000 Free-RapidPoints and 50,000 Premium-RapidPoints, what should i do. Should i extend the account for 6 Months or should i wait for 29th June

Ans: Doesn't matter. You'll get same rapids in either case. My advice would be to not extend the account.

Question 1-B: If i have more than 50,000 Free-RapidPoints and 50,000 Premium-RapidPoints, what should i do. Should i extend the account for 1 year or should i wait for 29th June?

Ans: You should extend it for one year. That way you'll get 7300 Rapids for 50K FP + 50K PP. If you leave the points as it is you will get 6000 rapids. The reason is given below

50K PP + 50k FP = 1 year Account. And since each day will be converted to 20 Rapids so 365 Days will give you 365x20= 7300 Rapids

If you let your points remain as it is then after July 29th:

50K PP + 50k FP will give 6,000 Rapids.

Thanks for easily convey...

So if you extend the account for 1 year you get extra 1300 rapids.
Question 2: What will happen to my points after 29th June

Ans:Well 5,000 Free-RapidPoints and 5,000 Premium-RapidPoints will become 600 Rapids. If you have more just do the math.
50,000 Free-RapidPoints and 50,000 Premium-RapidPoints will become 6000 Rapids.
100,000 Free-RapidPoints and 100,000 Premium-RapidPoints will become 12000 Rapids.

Question 3: How many Rapids can we collect

Ans: 50,000. If you have more than 416667 FP and 416667 PP, they extra points will be wasted after 29th June

Question 4: If you have more than 416667 FP and 416667 PP points what should i do with extra points

Ans: Convert them to One year accounts. Since the point no more have a time frame for expiry. You can keep those accounts as long as you don't use them. Keep those accounts for the time when you run out of your current account

Question 5: Do i have to pay for upload. What would happen if i take the RapidSmall Package which only has 10 GB Storage. Would i be unable to upload more than 10GB. And what if i have 200GB in my account. Will Rapidshare delete all the 190 GB and will leave only 10 GB

Ans: Your uploads won't be deleted as long as they are downloaded once every 60 days. Doesn't matter which package you have. The 10 GB storage mentioned in the news page means 10 GB of your files won't be deleted even if they are not downloaded for more than 60 days.

You can upload as much as you want and even if you have 300GB in your account, those files won't be deleted on 29th June or later as long as they are being downloaded once every 60 days.

Question 6: What is the most similar package to the previous one month premium account

Ans: RapidMedium. It has the same 5 GB limit as one month account had. It's price becomes to around 7.5 Euro which is 0.5 Euro more constly. But since you can turn it off and on, it can be used for much more time

Question 7: Would there be happy hour

Ans: nobody is sure. Maybe or maybe not. Wait till 29th June

Question 8: Would RS give us any points for our files being downloaded?

Ans: nobody is sure. RS hasn't specifically mentioned that. Neither have they denied it. Maybe or maybe not. Wait till 29th June

Question 9: In the new Plan, can we switch off Packages. Like if i have to dwonload 5GB todayand 1 GB tomorrow and no downloading for next day, could i use RapidMedium for day one (-20 Rapids), RapidSmall for day 2 (-4 Rapids)and disable premium the next day (0 Rapids)

Ans: Updated: Well this system is not implemented yet. So we can only speculate. But reading the rapidshare page again i think the You can do that and switch packages but you can't disable the premium features. You have to keep at least the Rapidsmall Package

Question 10: Can we turn redeem Rapids for money ?

Ans: No you can't. It's the other way around. The money you pay to get the account will now be converted to Rapids. Which you can use to have package of your choice. Small, Medium, Big

Question 11: Is the new system more expensive than the previous monthly account system ?

Ans: Depend on what package you take. If you want it exactly like before (5 GB Daily), then you can take RapidMedium which costs you 7.5 Euros Compared to 7 Euros before. But most of us have a few days of the month when we don't download much so we can disable premium features for those days to keep the Rapids lasting for more days. So honestly this is better than previous system for downloaders but there doesn't seem to be any happy hours.
lol wtf. What forum did you find it on and was it older than this post?

Question 1: If i have more than 50,000 Free-RapidPoints and 50,000 Premium-RapidPoints, what should i do. Should i extend the account for 1 year or should i wait for 29th June?

Ans: You should extend it for one ......................... etc

found http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?t=38116&highlight=RapidPoints&page=11

another good tut here http://www.wjunction.com/showpost.php?p=363164&postcount=105
Thanks Jazzy.

Btw, the point about generating a 1-year account and getting 7300 Rapids is NOT true (at least it isn't now).
i have one question ,if we don't download one day (assume we are at small package) , do we get +1 Gb the next day or fresh new 1Gb?

in the first case we could download 2Gb , in the second 1Gb
i have one question ,if we don't download one day (assume we are at small package) , do we get +1 Gb the next day or fresh new 1Gb?

in the first case we could download 2Gb , in the second 1Gb

you get a frewsh new gb.. This is shit and scaming! download or not the 1 gig they will take you every day 4 rapids, the higher plan you are the worse it is for you, for example i wont to download a game around 6-7 gig and i do, BUT th eplane automaticly goes from medium 5 gb to 20 gb plan, and if im not home that day to use the rest of the 13-14 gigs or what ever package you are on. ITS GONE! IT DOESENT ADD UP LIKE BEFORE 5+5+5 ETC. Its SHIT!!!!!! I think they should let you have 0 gb trafic a day and take you 0 rapids, if you want to download convert your rapids to how much trafic you want, for example, convert 449 rapids for 120 gb trafic, that you must lets say use in the next 6-12 months or they will be gone. etc, something like that. By the new rapid rules you loose minimum 4 rapids every day, and GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TO CALCULATE THE TIME DIFFERENC FROM MY ZONE TO THE SERVERS ZONE SO I CAN PLAN MY DOWNLOAD AND DONT GET IN THE NEXT DAY AND AUTO :@ JUMP ON A HIGHER PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU RAPIDSHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have one question ,if we don't download one day (assume we are at small package) , do we get +1 Gb the next day or fresh new 1Gb?

in the first case we could download 2Gb , in the second 1Gb
If you do not use up the available traffic for a day, it gets wasted. In short it does not get carry forwarded.

The new system kind of sucks really bad. :(
This new system sucks big time :(

And good point there regarding time zone differences. What's the zone for Rapidshare?

I simply hate these new changes of Rapidshare.
just switch to hotfile, pay $55 or less :) for 1 year and download all you want. nothing to worry, no calculating ?!

files sharing is suppose to be fun!!! it's pure ENTERTAINMENT!!!
Hey guys, I am still pretty confused about a point after reading through the faqs. Appreciate if you would care to enlighten me.

Let's say in the scenario that I purchase 400 rapids. Do I have to stick to a certain package from the get-go? I suppose we're able to bump it up to RapidBig on a heavy download day or decrease it to say RapidSmall when we're not?

Besides that, after reading what was on RapidShare's webpage which states 'Users who have Rapids can choose from five types of fee-paying package. What is special about these packages is that every user can turn the features off and on to suit their needs from day to day.' This brings to mind the ability to 'turn off' your premium account whenever you wish and save your rapids for the future, essentially paying 0 rapids/day. Is anyone able to explain if this is possible?

Sorry about the lengthy post, and thanks for your help!
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