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Inactive files will still last for 45 days for non-premium users right?
Apart from this, I have one more question. How can we know if our files got deleted? (Cause I don't remember how many files I had yesterday so I can't compare). Small suggestion: Could we please get an email or built-in Evoload notifications on dashboard every time our files get deleted please?
Great and one more thing, could you clarify which files are getting deleted for inactive? Cause I see the same number of files in my inactivity manager (that are a few days away from being deleted) but they didn't end up getting deleted due to recent inactive files removal, but other files got deleted actually.
So is inactivity limitation going down from 45 days to less?

It was always 45 days, only at beggining we have set it to +60 days to allow users more time to go for our inactivity packs

But lately we are getting out of space so we had to re-enable the 45 days rule to keep everything running stable without increasing the number of ads.
I'm really sorry for your loss @-Fig-, I will upgrade you to 1 month inactivity free of any charge, tomorrow the system for premium will be re-activated I will send you the URL than.
Hello, thank you. Can I buy now ?
my username is "James" btw for the 1 month free :upside_down:. I think there should be a way of alerting user when there files are like 5 days away from being deleted.
Because you don't explain and you don't send example links, each video is hosted on different servers, without test link it's impossible for us to know which server has the problem.

For upload the server ID is clearly visible, in case of issue you should write the ID as well.
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