End of world

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Just want your opinions, do you think with all these earth quakes and natural disasters happening lately, do you think its all part of the "End of World"??? Like Mother Nature is finally cracking the shits!

Nostradamus predicted it would happen...

No I don't believe in that shit at all. Much worse natural disasters happened, and those weren't to wipe out humanity either.

Some people may die, but the world won't just suddenly collapse.. that's just science fiction
Just because some hipster Mexicans ran out of writing space on their rocks doesn't mean the world will end. Still got a good 10 million years left.
It's not the end of the world. Remember, the earth is oooooooooooooooooooooooooooold.

The earth isn't a static system, things are going to move, change, burn, flood, shake, etc.

A few holes in the ground and a giant wave doesn't mean some fairy-tale (ie religion) is going to suddenly come true.

Somewhere, some dickhead is always convinced the world is gonna end "any day now".

AFAIK we're 4000 years over-due for an ice age....

Sorry to be cynical, but I don't think anything special is happening here. Same shit, different millenium.
I guess it's just a natural disaster that can kill us.

Natural disasters can hardly happens here where I live.

I am calm. I'm out of danger zones in general.
lol wtf world is gotta end? and who the damn knows well the epic heroes did exist? do work and make moola, end or any shit let it happen when the time comes :D
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