Easy way to get Facebook likes?

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i'm selling Facebook Likes if you are interested , check this : 500 Facebook Likes Followers Share For $5

500 Facebook Likes (Fan Page) : $5
500 Facebook Followers : $5
500 Facebook Likes on your Post : $5
500 Facebook Post Share : $5

:sun:We Give extra Bonus for Every Order [trollface]

Payment Methode : Paypal / Payza / WebMoney / Payoneer / BitCoin / Skrill

1. Invite your friends to like your page.
2. Ask them to share your page on their walls.
3. Join on groups relevant to your niche and invite your fellow members to like your page.
4. Post regularly, most especially every morning, lunch time or after working hours (why? people are most likely to engage on those times)
5. Post pictures, videos, tips and advises or anything that is relevant to your page.
6. Create a poll / Ask a question. Make your followers interact.
7. Create a simple game that requires your followers to share your page on their walls (a simple prize will be surely appreciated). :)
8. If all else fails, go for Facebook Ads.
There are various ways from which you could have real & great results. Just post quality material posts at your affordable website design service page and invite people at your fan page. And post such sort of links and pictures which are interesting and fascinating for your audience in such way your page is going to rock on.
Dont Go with Fake Likes 1million Fake likes Has No value Than 1K Real likes

I absolutely agree. In my experience we have tried various ways to get more likes, but most of them were useless, as they came and went like that (snaps fingers). And nobody actually cares how many likes your page has, social media is for interacting and engaging, not for collecting useless likes. Sorry if I didn't answer your question, but this is what I believe would be way better.
how can I get alot of likes on my facebook page Any Ideas :facepalm:

Send out an email to your contact list, inviting people to “Like” your business on Facebook. It’s easy to do with Constant Contact’s email templates.
Add a Facebook Page Badge to your website or blog. A Facebook badge is an icon you create that links fans from your website to your Facebook Page. Promote your Facebook Page on all of your print marketing materials including business cards, menus, flyers, signs, t-shirts. Or you can just buy likes from any media company that drives traffic.
Buying Facebook Likes Has Not worked for me.

Unless I was doing something Wrong. This advice is worth a 100 UDEMY COURSES!!! I wish I would have learned this early. In order to be effective you must be consistent, with quality post that people want to engage In.

]1. Invite your friends to like your page.
2. Ask them to share your page on their walls.
3. Join on groups relevant to your niche and invite your fellow members to like your page.
4. Post regularly, most especially every morning, lunch time or after working hours (why? people are most likely to engage on those times)
5. Post pictures, videos, tips and advises or anything that is relevant to your page.
6. Create a poll / Ask a question. Make your followers interact.
7. Create a simple game that requires your followers to share your page on their walls (a simple prize will be surely appreciated). :)
8. If all else fails, go for Facebook Ads.[/QUOTE]
Update Content daily with attractive images and useful text , then share it with your friends and groups . Like others posting and make comments on others posting .
Easy way to get facebook likes

there are several sites which you can pay for $1 and you can get 500-1000 or more LIKES on your pages, but its all absolute fake accounts, so you will see at the beginning 10.000 LIKES and this will go down every hour, minutes ... but anyway I mean for a dollar, you will not loose the world or your life :) at least it is better then having just 5-10 LIKES, I know that seoclerks providing these services, the same for twitter and all other social network staff.

I am agree with your answer.
Very Nice sharing information
Have a nice day...........
If your using WP, lock content with Social Locker, in my opinion it's a best way to get fb likes (y) from "real people" :-= I love this plugin.
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