Earn up to $40 per 1000 downloads + 70% PPS - Weekly Payments

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Lool good manipulation of your system.
Watch that:

At 19PM, all limit user reached. Nice fake, good bye :)

Hi, User limit reached means that the user has downloaded more than 5 files within 24 hours. We count 5 downloads per IP.[/QUOTE]

Ok but it's really strange. Immediately at 7PM, on all my download is written"user limit reached". But its ok, i believe in you and i try again your host.
Thanks for your answer :)
Please count at least 10 downloads for the same ip, 5 is very low, thanks.

In all my downloads appears user limit reached, please fix this.
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All the users complaining for this issue have the reason, on all my downloads appeared the fuckingg user limit reached. :cursing::cursing:

fix this fuckinggg issue.
hello . i want to earn money with you. I registed your site. please set up for me. become premium and earn money. My acc: mylove1984. Thank you so much
Dear users, please note that if the user limit has been reached it means that user has downloaded more than 5 files in 24 hours. We have now changed this to 5 files from the same user. So if someone downloads 5 files from other users and 5 from you, it will still be a paid download. Please let us know if you experience any further problems.

All upgrade requests have been done.
Ok, i hope you don't lies us, because it's very weird all the day with user limit reached, and still appears user limit reached !!!!!!
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