Earn Money With Fileuplo.de
We are pleased to announce our new affiliate program over at http://fileuplo.de
1. Pay Per Sale
Fileuplo.de allows you to earn money by selling premium accounts! We pay you 60% of every sale you make under you referral link or via your file links. If a user purchases a premium account, You will receive 50% of that sale and 50% of every Re Bill.
2. Pay Per Download
We allow our affiliates to earn money for every download the receive on their files, The payouts are as follows.
3. Mix of PPS and PPD
Affiliates are able to select a mixed plan, Where we pay you 40% of every download and 40% of every sale.
Become an Affiliate
Affiliates also earn 15% from referrals
Affiliates will now earn 15% Percent of their referrals earnings. Just Sign Up for a free account, then visit the "My Account" page and copy "Your affiliate link". Paste it and share it on the net and earn money for every download or sale your referrals make. Sign up and enjoy the benefits of hosting with Fileuplo.de
Payouts are made once every 7 Days, Minimum Payout is only $10.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate so get in touch with us, either on the forum or using our contact page http://fileuplo.de/contact.html
We are pleased to announce our new affiliate program over at http://fileuplo.de
1. Pay Per Sale
Fileuplo.de allows you to earn money by selling premium accounts! We pay you 60% of every sale you make under you referral link or via your file links. If a user purchases a premium account, You will receive 50% of that sale and 50% of every Re Bill.
2. Pay Per Download
We allow our affiliates to earn money for every download the receive on their files, The payouts are as follows.

3. Mix of PPS and PPD
Affiliates are able to select a mixed plan, Where we pay you 40% of every download and 40% of every sale.
Become an Affiliate
Affiliates also earn 15% from referrals
Affiliates will now earn 15% Percent of their referrals earnings. Just Sign Up for a free account, then visit the "My Account" page and copy "Your affiliate link". Paste it and share it on the net and earn money for every download or sale your referrals make. Sign up and enjoy the benefits of hosting with Fileuplo.de
Payouts are made once every 7 Days, Minimum Payout is only $10.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate so get in touch with us, either on the forum or using our contact page http://fileuplo.de/contact.html