Earn $11/1000views + 15% referral - ImgDap

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can you post the image proof and statistic for everyone else to see


I do not like to share my statistics with unknown persons.
I think it is not your business.
But here is my statistics for yesterday, i do not think that it is much better than anyone else's.


Here is the proof that payment paid:


I can send you the PayPal proof as well, if admin allows me not to cover the name in the "subject" row.
Elsewhere you will never know, that I posted the original proof, because in the "subject" row there is a personal name, and not the company (imgdap).

By the way... I hope you will get an own proof, if you work with the site... and you will see the sender's name with your own eyes...
hi Imgdap

67 view on tier 1 but got only 0.385
(0.385 / 67) * 1000 = 5.75
213 view from tier 3 and earn 0.174
(0.174 / 213) * 1000 = 0.81

please explain this
hi Imgdap

67 view on tier 1 but got only 0.385
(0.385 / 67) * 1000 = 5.75
213 view from tier 3 and earn 0.174
(0.174 / 213) * 1000 = 0.81

please explain this


It was explained several times in this thread.. the only thing you would have to do, is to read back some posts.
It is Admin's job to explain it, but he did it several times.
This is my statistics what you do not understand, so I try to explain it again:

I do not know what you counted with the reason of 5,75, but it does not matter.

This host is paying 11$ for 1000 Tier 1 views.
11/1000 is 0.011 so every view from Tier 1 counts 0.011$.
I had 67 Tier 1 views in 2014-08-15 so 67×0.011 would be 0.737$.


I got only 0.385$ for my Tier 1 views.
This is absolutely correct!

As you can read in the first post of this thread:
"1 View Counted From Each Ip Per 24 Hours."
Every image hosts working with this strategy.

The above table shows the all views, and not unique view per IP. One single IP can generate unlimited amount of views, but you will be paid for one of them in a 24 hours period.

I got 0.385$ for my Tier 1 views. 0.385/0.011 = 35
It means that the 67 Tier 1 views came from 35 different persons (IP-s)
In avg one person watched 2 of my pictures on 2014-08-15 but I was paid only for one view, because this is the rule.
I hope, that everything was clear.

I do not think, that this host will be living for a long time, because the rates are too high, but it is counting pretty well.
I do not know, if it will pay next week or not, but now it is still paying...
Yes, but this is statistic problem. The statistic must follow the earning rule. He say that 1 count Ip each 24h so if i IP view 3 image in 24 h period the statistic must show just one view.

If the statistic don't follow the earning rule then what is the use of it? You see statistic because you want to know how much people view your image and where they come from. But with this kind of statistic. All will be a mess. Why? Because it not follow the rule. If it is 1 IP per 24h then just show 1 view only if a IP view any image uploaded from you no matter how many he/she view. Also, what is the use of showing multiple view if you count only once for earning?
hi Imgdap

67 view on tier 1 but got only 0.385
(0.385 / 67) * 1000 = 5.75
213 view from tier 3 and earn 0.174
(0.174 / 213) * 1000 = 0.81

please explain this


It was explained several times in this thread.. the only thing you would have to do, is to read back some posts.
It is Admin's job to explain it, but he did it several times.
This is my statistics what you do not understand, so I try to explain it again:

I do not know what you counted with the reason of 5,75, but it does not matter.

This host is paying 11$ for 1000 Tier 1 views.
11/1000 is 0.011 so every view from Tier 1 counts 0.011$.
I had 67 Tier 1 views in 2014-08-15 so 67×0.011 would be 0.737$.


I got only 0.385$ for my Tier 1 views.
This is absolutely correct!

As you can read in the first post of this thread:
"1 View Counted From Each Ip Per 24 Hours."
Every image hosts working with this strategy.

The above table shows the all views, and not unique view per IP. One single IP can generate unlimited amount of views, but you will be paid for one of them in a 24 hours period.

I got 0.385$ for my Tier 1 views. 0.385/0.011 = 35
It means that the 67 Tier 1 views came from 35 different persons (IP-s)
In avg one person watched 2 of my pictures on 2014-08-15 but I was paid only for one view, because this is the rule.
I hope, that everything was clear.

I do not think, that this host will be living for a long time, because the rates are too high, but it is counting pretty well.
I do not know, if it will pay next week or not, but now it is still paying...

You have views and earnings table .... Views = all views for 24 hours and Earnings 1 Count at 24 hours
Yes, but this is statistic problem. The statistic must follow the earning rule. He say that 1 count Ip each 24h so if i IP view 3 image in 24 h period the statistic must show just one view.

If the statistic don't follow the earning rule then what is the use of it? You see statistic because you want to know how much people view your image and where they come from. But with this kind of statistic. All will be a mess. Why? Because it not follow the rule. If it is 1 IP per 24h then just show 1 view only if a IP view any image uploaded from you no matter how many he/she view. Also, what is the use of showing multiple view if you count only once for earning?

I agree, that it would be better, to show only the paid views, to avoid the nonstop conflict with users.
But if you used other image hosts earlier, you should know that most of them are working with the same strategy like imgdap, and showing the all views in the statistics table.

By the way, if the table would show only the paid views you would have no information about your all views.
But now, you can see your all image views and you can count your paid image views with a little math: earning/tier rate.
So you have all the informations about your all and paid views...

I'm sure that you do not think, if an admin want to cheat with the statistics, he will show it in a table for everyone...
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