XMAS Race - 5000$ +++ big prices

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Hey your username in Wjunction is kosovo and see what u entered : [slide][/slide]
I realized this isnt the review section, but I think theres modifications you can make to your site to give users a more warming welcome, even just add a simple BG image, its very bare. Thats one thing I care a lot about when I first visit a site is that it looks nice :|
You all guys automatically signed up for all country races. You don't need to sign up for them.

Until the race ends you can participate on the WJunction, Digitalpoint and countrie-races.
You all guys automatically signed up for all country races. You don't need to sign up for them.

Until the race ends you can participate on the WJunction, Digitalpoint and countrie-races.

Duckload name:0313
Duckload ID: 165555
Wjunction name: 0102

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