- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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Hi Duckload, my money still in my Current Balance and now I have $ 22.37. Can you check this please.
Yesterday I sent a message to The Support Centre but don´t have an aswer yet.

Guys, someone else has the same problem?


Duckload Can you anwser me please. I´m still waiting for an anwser about this theme. I have sent a second message to the Support Centre, and no answer.
Current Balance now is in $ 23.36, and for what I read the payout limit is $ 20. The previous times, I reached the payout limit and the money went to Last Payment.
If you reach 20$ + you will be payed in next payout cycle

Paypal is automatic once a week. Alertpay has to be done manualy so it might take more time.

Just wait for next payout. nothing will get lost. its not even like you have to transfer the cash to payout or anything so you will get your 24 or 25$ you accumulate till then.

Its 20$ not 20.000 $ (i know 20$ might be a lot for some but everyone reading this has a pc and internet so 20$ more or less will not kill you) so why always spam this thread with it. imagine yourself being support and only getting 30 questions every day why payout hasnt arrived. all usefull critism just goes under like this. megaupload didnt pay for 3 month so why dont you all go complain about them
the time where the servers are is Sunday 8:54pm
and since duckload is mainly a streamhoster, thats the time when most people want to watch the newest movies.
just be patient
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Very sad when I followed the live counting i found that my balance has become a $ 6 and when i refresh the page i find the balance became 5.80 and so on for 30 minutes it became $6 more than12 times and less again Strangely enough, the downloads, calculated but the balance less
i know that live counting script make some errors But not for this stage

In any case we love, duckload but must be calculated more downloads to the same IP address within 24 hours And if duckload doing that duckload will become the first world without having to change the affliate system
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mr duck could you add some thing that show us the total paid we got

Me too, I want to know how much I earned every day (not only today and yesterday like now), and total I earned.
Coud Duckload add this feature?

We'll add something like that with the next design.

mr duckload
plz answer me
when u are make the new system

We're working on that as fast as possible.

In any case we love, duckload but must be calculated more downloads to the same IP address within 24 hours And if duckload doing that duckload will become the first world without having to change the affliate system

That will be changed with the next update too.
PLease Please Any Tested program to upload to this host?/
FTP sometimes works and sometimes not
Web too the same many servers some works some not i got crazy of this

i can upload stable to many other hosts but tis one make me mad
please need help

by web i got this:

An Error occured during Upload: 408

Added after 4 minutes:

now i got this:
An Error occured during Upload: 302

Added after 21 minutes:

any special settings i can put to upload by ftp with no errors?

some times after i upload 20% i got errors and disconnected

sometime after 100% the upload restart from 0 again
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