- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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There will be no update anymore. Duckload will release a new version of the partnerpanel without uploader status.
this can take a few weeks^^
Hey Duckload, I paid for "1 day premium account" through visa card.
and there is automatically renew every 1 days.

How can I cancel the auto renewal?

User ID: 169532

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ps03 - check cancelation page on their website - this is gnna cost you a lot sorry about that. duckload have bloody subscriptions on everything

ps03 - basically this is gonna cost you quite a bit :( - you will have to send them a letter to their office in switzerland, and im pretty sure that their owner is german so... gonna take even longer as he wont be at the office all the time...

your best bet is to contact your credit card company immediatly and send a letter to them as well. if in doubt contact a sollicitor

hey duck, look at the pic.

isn't there a mistake? :)

up to 10$ per 1000 downloads ? and up to 40$ per premium generated ? lol :))
well, you should not forget duckload offers extremly high $$$ per 1000 DL, so they need the 1 ip per 24h
i nearly make the same money with another hoster that counts every hit but offers 0,40$ per 1000 DL
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