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Guys.... don't harras me please.

There are 8 privat messages out now. You know how much guys want premium here + i have to fix your errors. So please stay tuned you get in the next 10-20 minutes.
Guys.... don't harras me please.

There are 8 privat messages out now. You know how much guys want premium here + i have to fix your errors. So please stay tuned you get in the next 10-20 minutes.

No buddy!! Itz not harassing... We are so curious u knw !! :D We will wait mate... go on!
Free premium accounts are still available ? If yes , can i get one ?

Duckload said:
Ok guys:

Tomorrow our probation time ends here and we are able to send privat messages and recieve it.

Now we give a special offer to everyone here with minimum 25 posts on WJunction. This offer is only for the WJunction Forum !

All you guys with minimum 25 posts get a free premium access for SIX MONTHS, EVERYONE !

Just start sending us a message when we out of probation Status with following information:

WJunction name:
Duckload name:
Duckload ID:
You using Duckload as host ?

The last question is just for our information even if you write "You don't use as host", you get a free premium access for 6 month.

After you sent us this message you get a premium-code you can enter here:

I hope you like this offer.

Here you see the offer again :)
I got my preimum code and now my account is premium for 6 months , :D

i am very much happy duckload

now i am just waiting for alertpay as payment :D
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