DropVideos - Up to $40 / 10,000 Views

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Just started to upload and share some test files, upload speeds are just fine, view counting seems to work fine.
Promising host for mine point of view.
If i get nice number of views can i get premium here?
Just started to upload and share some test files, upload speeds are just fine, view counting seems to work fine.
Promising host for mine point of view.
If i get nice number of views can i get premium here?

Done ! Have a nice day !
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I want to start ... but I have only payza as the only one that can receive the money in my country.... can you add it ??
I want to start ... but I have only payza as the only one that can receive the money in my country.... can you add it ??

At the moment we can't add payza, please use PAYONEER or PAXUM !!
okey thx for reply.. will try payoneer maybe will work for me..

what's the time the video will be counted.. 5mn 10mn ?
should the watcher finish the video to be counted ?
the same ip will be counted only one per day even watching different videos from my files ?

At the moment we can't add payza, please use PAYONEER or PAXUM !!
okey thx for reply.. will try payoneer maybe will work for me..

what's the time the video will be counted.. 5mn 10mn ?
should the watcher finish the video to be counted ?
the same ip will be counted only one per day even watching different videos from my files ?


Sounds good if you work with payoneer.

Is not time for video, how click on WATCH NOW is counted by country, after click no need to watch the video, you counted with money.

if 1 ip watched 2 your videos, is counted by two times.

Thank you again and if you have more question add us on skype or sent a mail if we are not on WJ. Thank you again and have a great day.
Amazed but small doubt

Hi, am amazed with allowing adult. Now i uploaded a video file and tried for embed code, But not working. It is leaving my site and redirecting to u r site. May i know exact embed code which stays on our site.

any chance of getting embed code?

If above questions has a solution, then please add me to premium my user id is : pulka

Thank You.
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Hi, am amazed with allowing adult. Now i uploaded a video file and tried for embed code, But not working. It is leaving my site and redirecting to u r site. May i know exact embed code which stays on our site.

any chance of getting embed code?

If above questions has a solution, then please add me to premium my user id is : pulka

Thank You.

Hello "pulka"

Embed code was disabled due to report of users that this don't count hits. Try to solve this problem this week, and your account is premium now.

Thank you and have a great day !
Hi, am amazed with allowing adult. Now i uploaded a video file and tried for embed code, But not working. It is leaving my site and redirecting to u r site. May i know exact embed code which stays on our site.

any chance of getting embed code?

If above questions has a solution, then please add me to premium my user id is : pulka

Thank You.

Hello "pulka"

Embed code was disabled due to report of users that this don't count hits. Try to solve this problem this week, and your account is premium now.

Thank you and have a great day !

Thank You. awaiting for embed code to be active to embed links in my site to get traffic.
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