DropAPK.COM Discussion

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Dear Wjunction Users,

We are happy to introduce DropAPK.Com to webmasters, uploaders & publishers.

DropAPK.Com Launched March 2016

Note : Free premium account can be provided for good traffic generating webmasters, uploaders & publishers so you can get blazing fast uploads, downloads - Maximum upload & download slots, Torrents uploads, ad free surfing, no waiting time and much more...

Why DropAPK?
1) Clean and simple user interface
2) High speed Upload / Download
3) Unlimited GB per file to be uploaded for premium users and 20GB for free users
4) Free 200GB of storage capacity / Unlimited for premium users.
5) No limits on download or upload speed

Our affiliate program.

You can partner with DropAPK and start your business with us right away by using one of the following options:

Pay Per Download (PPD) 100% of Downloads & 20% of Sales, Rates per 1000 Downloads.

Pay Per Sale (PPs) 60% of Sales & 60% of Rebills.

Mixed Plan (MIX) 50% of Downloads and 30% of Sales.

Affiliate receive 10% earned money from each his referral

What all the payment modes you support?
1) Paypal
2) Payoneer
3) WebMoney
4) Skrill

What all uploading options do you have?
1) Direct upload
2) Remote upload
3) FTP upload
4) Torrent upload (For premium users)

Can i upload any kind of content?
Except Child porn files you can upload any type of content

How can i contact you?
1) You can directly user our contact form on the website
2) You can mail us at webmaster@dropapk.com

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A total of 10 downloads, just 1 counted, it can't be caused by adblock because I enabled the option, it can't be because of IP limit because the last time someone downloaded one of my files was the 24th, a gap of 6 days as you can see on the 2nd picture...so what's the reason :/
Send me your account to check .. report explaining everything .. I will send screenshot for your downloads and you will know why count only one download.
Best regards!

What kinds of difficulties do your DLers face when DLing?
Is it because of pop-ups? I don't think DApk has a phoney "DOWNLOAD HERE" button (adware, spyware...) like some other sites.
Let me know coz I didn't get any message for my DLers about this (and never will) and I know DApk is safe. ;)


If I were you, I'd untick "Publish files" coz everyone can check your profile and grab your files (your folders will still be visible, tho)
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Is there a way to bypass anti-adblock?
I for one don't see any warning in Brave browser on my phone.
I guess that's why some DLs are not counted. ;(

And speaking of Brave...
I wanted to upload a file but I got a certificate error.
I uploaded a few files with no problem and at full speed in S (Samsung) Browser.

Is there a way to bypass anti-adblock?
I for one don't see any warning in Brave browser on my phone.
I guess that's why some DLs are not counted. ;(

And speaking of Brave...
I wanted to upload a file but I got a certificate error.
I uploaded a few files with no problem and at full speed in S (Samsung) Browser.

I don't think there is anyway to bypass anti-adblock, else code not supported at browser.

About certificate it's work and active at our servers, this first time anyone told me about certificate problem.

next time if this error happened please send me name of server to check error log.

Best Regards!

Thanks for your reply.

Tried uploading a file in Brave and works fine now.
It was probably a temporary glitch on my side.
Stop making guilty this admin because u use very unpopular browser!
His adblock works perfectly!
Come to 2019 and use chrome opera or firefox
I am fed up with seeing your complaining responses in every 2 3 review!
Use better explorer!
And admin you are kind and have a huge patience!
FYI, Brave is based on Chromium, just like Chrome etc
And the certificate error popped up all of a sudden. It wasn't certainly DApk's fault, you plonker.

Anyway, I don't give me a damn whether you're fed up or not. You're the last person on WJ to complain about other people's comments since yours are mostly either rude or stupid, with lots of exclamation marks, as if you were shouting.
FYI, Brave is based on Chromium, just like Chrome etc
And the certificate error popped up all of a sudden. It wasn't certainly DApk's fault, you plonker.

Anyway, I don't give me a damn whether you're fed up or not. You're the last person on WJ to complain about other people's comments since yours are mostly either rude or stupid, with lots of exclamation marks, as if you were shouting.
And you cant talk without using offensive words like a educated human being and you think you can use any word here!
Lets see what happens!
Dont dispraise yourself!
Stop making guilty this admin because u use very unpopular browser!
His adblock works perfectly!
Come to 2019 and use chrome opera or firefox
I am fed up with seeing your complaining responses in every 2 3 review!
Use better explorer!
And admin you are kind and have a huge patience!

I am here to help all users use DropAPK, so I don't have problem with any comment.

Thanks bro!

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