VPS DotVPS.net Linux VPS Starting at $6.95 (NL,US)

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Users on "Strike" & "Forge"

We urge you to take backups immediately!

The '/' Partition on strike is full and has corrupted 2 VZ.conf files.

We will be replacing the disk later today for a 2TB one.

Disk replacement will require a reinstall.

VPS's will be vzdump'd we're currently asking the datacenter if we can borrow a 1TB External Disk drive while the process happens to vzdump them too. if not we'll have to store them remotely.

Added after 6 Hours 8 minutes:

Fixed Strike + Forge with out reinstall.

Jupiter's now offline! not sure why , awaiting reboot.
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Its not a DDoS.
It's the vz kernel causing the issue i believe.

I'm shocked that Jupiter's gone down after 95 days of uptime.
Hello DotVPS.
I have a few questions.
- If I buy this plan "Virtual Servers - Standard VPS ( US )" will I be able to use it through remote desktop? like I control it from my computer?
- If I'm not satisfied with the service would it be possible to be refunded?

- You could use VNC.
- We don't offer refunds on VPS's sorry.
- You would need to install VNC your self due to our VPS's are unmanaged.

Added after 1 8 minutes:

Jupiter's back up.

Can't see any messages in logs for software issue.

I believe it was an hardware issue.

Possibly CPU Overheating.
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aah got a vps from them. super fast support, cancelled my shared acc n changed to vps with no hassle!! great host so far, will give review of host later once am settled xD
When is New Stock coming... ? I am getting a Shared Account from you guys ATM but I want a VPS Super ASAP. Please Notify Me whenever stock comes! :)
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