Domains for warez site...

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Hi Guys, i'm going to buy a host on netherlands, for a warez site...

But I wanna know about domain, what they need to have, so I can be more safe?

Privacy service only? Anything more? Privacy service its equal Anonymous?

No guys...

i'm going to make a new one, but I need know what the domain need have to be more safe...

Its only privacy Service? and what is anonymous Domain?
Thanks CG, on my country have a site with privacy for free...

So I can use my real name, address, email and etc while using privacy?
You can and the company you registered from can remove the privacy setting at his sole discretion!

I'll suggest you to register the domain with an anonymous registration service like domainbyproxy!
Why they can remove the privacy? For legal issues?

And on domainbyproxy, its:

The law requires that the personal information you provide with every
domain you register be made public in the "WHOIS" database.

This will be removed with privacy service right? And how I use the domainsbyproxy? I Just read the faq, but there dont say how I buy something.

If you are saying about "remove because we want", so its ok for me, because its a good company
Why they can remove the privacy? For legal issues?

If you are saying about "remove because we want", so its ok for me, because its a good company

Even with privacy your information is not protected, it is just hidden, the registar still has your details, and will still give you details to law enforcement, infact According to a report published by KnujOn it could be against ICANN policy to block Whois information, which inturn could lead to your domain being confiscated.
So, what is best for warez site? Will not be a hyper great warez site, just a blog...Looking at anonymous domains, with legal issues, they will pass your information anyway, so I think privacy and anonymous its same, at both cases, with law enforcement, they will give your details
there are some hosts you can find that will register the domain for you through their info, and won't log your info.

Omg, 25$ its too much...Anyway, what gonna happen if we have problems? You guys gonna say how I paid, etc etc guys will not suffer for me? Nah, I dont think so
Fuck the feds, I have no respect for any of them.
Don't host in Netherlands, the data centers will roll on you really quick if they receive a DMCA notice.
Host in Russia or China, you are pretty much guaranteed anonymity in these countries.
When you register a domain just use fake info, whois protection is a fucking rip.
Use for your domains, they are who all of my domains are registered with because they have really affordable .com's and they offer free whois.
Let me explain:

For a blog, not on english, with max 50.000~100.000 Unique visitors, being not even near the best of the country, do you guys recommend to get a anonymous domain? Or I can get a normal one with privacy?
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