Reddit is the best social bookmarking site where you can post relevant short content, links as story and then if you will get likes and comments you will saw improvements in traffic.
I'm trying to get away from it, because of all the censorship and shadow bans and what not. I'm slowly migrating to, kinda like I moved from Digg to Reddit in 2001 when they introduced Digg v4.
I have used Reddit before, but I was a noob back then. I just shared my blog posts to my Reddit account, but it seems that no one upvoted any of them. Maybe I didn't do my homework yet on what people really wanted, even though I am posting in an appropriate category. Reddit has high targeted traffic, so maybe I should change my niche on the one that people are looking after on Reddit.
I got banned for hosting my own image they only want images from imgur I sure they made a deal with imgur it's all about the money and their users just went along with it.
Yeah! i am using Reddit. It is more powerful social bookmarking website. You need to add attractive title and related sub Reddit to become popular on Reddit.
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