Do you smoke Cigarettes?

Do you smoke Cigarettes?

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I smoked for a whole year about 10 a day. Uncle died of lung cancer, haven't smoked a cigarette since. It's only been four months.
You bet I do!

I'm pretty good when it comes to avoiding smelling like an ashtray when I smoke so often times when people are getting to know me they become shocked to learn that I am a smoker. The common question I get is: "Oh my god I didn't know you smoked! Why do you still smoke?"

I've heard this line a few times now and have got the answer worked out pretty simply:

  1. I smoke because it makes me look older, which is a proven fact. Can you believe I'm only 29?
  2. I look cool when I smoke cigarettes, its a known fact that people who smoke look cool.
  3. You know, it could be worse, I could be smoking a guys **** instead of this cigarette....
  4. Don't believe the lies created by the liberal media; smoking isn't bad for your health, in fact its good for it! Haven't you ever heard, a pack a day keeps the doctor away?
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