Do you like your country government?

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Active Member
Simple question do you like your country government?

For me, I don't like it because the Prime Minister of Canada does not know how to spend money. We were in surplus before he came now we are in deficit. We were in surplus when the us crises hit us as Canada is also depended on USA. He was elected in 2011, he is also supporting Israel, creating new fighter plans when majority of Canadians does not support war. He is right wing taking rights away from natives who found Canada. I just hope a better prime minister will be elected in future, Hopefully Liberal or NDP.
French gov

I'm from France,

My government just change so we all waiting for what's going to happen,
But Macron seems to be better that your previous president, because he mix ideas from the 2 political party of your country,
That's in my opinion the best way to do politics,

We'll see :)
almost nobody's seems to like their government

most of the respondents clearly aren't satisfied from their government[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif], yet most of them live in countries which wrongfully called "democracy" and are supposed to represent the will of their people. just goes to show you, there is no "good" kind of [/FONT]government[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif] or an acceptable form of ruling over people. I'm not happy with my [/FONT]government[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif], and I treat them as foreigners who occupy my land...[/FONT]
I'm from Romania and the thing is we could not get a government to do anything for our country... It's been 20 years since we got out of communism and nothing has been done by our country's governments to go forwards. In 2014 we were the only country in the world to start with a number of kilometers of highway and we finished with less kilometers of highway, that is pathetic.
Yes I do like my government. There are things that I want to see done differently but hey, you can not please everyone!
I think regardless of country, state, continent there are one or more people not to be satisfied with their government.
corruption is everywhere!
I am from the USA and I a happy with the direction I see our country going in currently. I do hope that we can get some immigration laws in place so that the US does not have a migrant/refugee crisis like so many European countries are currently experiencing.
Absolutely not! I'm from Turkey. Government applies internet censorship...also our country is full of Syrian refugees. Booking and paypal closed..the economy is very bad.. You don't want to be in my place..
Absolutely not! I'm from Turkey. Government applies internet censorship...also our country is full of Syrian refugees. Booking and paypal closed..the economy is very bad.. You don't want to be in my place..

really ? in turkey ? that is why i receiving a lot of ads about their real estate offers...
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