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will respect coolyou forever for his contributions to the scene. Warez-bb is not only a great site but a great inspiration to most of the other warez sites.

it mite simply be a misunderstanding. maybe a member was spamming too much with warezscene uploads/pass. anywayz, why not just try talking with coolyou/PC, they are the most understanding ppl I have seen in this whole warez scene.
If I need something, there are two solutions; warez-bb then google. I mean obviously they are doing something right?
A lot of sites can attract more if not the same amount of visitors if they have no porn compared to a site with porn. Some people can't go on warez sites that have porn on them if their computer is in the living room or something, so clean sites offer a nice advantage to some people.
warez-bb rocks! not just because of the no. of user's... the staff are good and helpful, the place is kept clean, the members are always willing to help, it has almost everything you search for..

WarezScene only bans URL's that have been advertising through the PM system and/or spamming.

We don't lower our standards and childishly ban URL's just because the site is considered a threat. We prefer users to be able to see site passwords, instead of '~ Report this Spammer ~'. :)

agreed. warez-bb is still in a league of it's own, there's no point in censoring url's when it will not affect then in the slightest way.

i don't like them never have

plus a way to make them scared would all of us little sites merge into one super site lol (i know im only dreaming but hell it would be funny xD)
i lol'd xD
imo warezbb is the best warez forum out there .. Not because it's crowded but because it's just excellent for finding stuff and showing something to family or when there are kids in the livingroom .. the no porn rule is pretty good .. keeps it clean and you don't have to be scared to open warezbb when family is near your screen.
i dont love them they are the biggest site for me after katz i prefer searching on katz it a much better setting bb is great tho
its ok. but way to much traffic. (not a bad thing) but when you post links your post gets buried like 5 pages down in minutes which is bad for me when i need points to keep my account going for another month. and of course you have your inconsiderate asshole who post garbage with trojans
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