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TBH, i don't know how anyone could even say Warez-BB is shit/lame etc.

It's the source for ALL warez sites out there, without them, you wouldn't have any half decent site alive now.
Have nothing against WBB

The old staff team are a good bunch of lads and ive had the pleasure of knowing them.

That said there isnt a better place to leech from :D
warez-bb is just busy thats the only reason its good, dont like the site looks wise tbh but the fact it has over a million members speaks for itself really
I've come across a fair amount of forums and WBB is actually very good. Another that I've across that is good is, They have a great selection of 720p-1080p and some of the uploaders only post there; so you can't them anywhere else.

My favorites,
Hey guys.. Please tell me your opinion about

This is not my site but the most popular warez forum, after katz...

Actually, w-bb is more popular than katz.

I <3 w-bb, it's the only place where I can find decent stuff, it's like the best place to leech from. It's HUGE. =]
well according to alexa its freshwap followed by wbb and then katz

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