Do you Like facebook ?

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no, I do not like facebook :))

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no, I do not like facebook

no, I don't like facebook

Added after 9 minutes:

no,i don't like facebook
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Actually, I love Facebook. It has become a part and parcel of my daily life. I don't think I would be able to spend a week without Facebook.
When I want to contact my friends I use email or mobile phone, Im 28 years old and I never used that spy network for personal use. I don't need it to be happy and I prefer to use the time that I would spend looking at FB in a million other ways :sun:
There’s plenty to like about Facebook, but here’s what I hate: because of the simplistic way Facebook positions ‘friends’ we aren’t connected to the people we really want to talk to – we’re connected to everyone we know. Maybe it’s my problem with how I use it, but by obfuscating the ability to tailor who I share with the level of dialogue, it tends toward the lowest common denominator.
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