Do you Like facebook ?

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yes it is also for time westing if you are using for chating with girls and extra,
other wise in many jobs online peoples promote their business with this,
well now a days same like facebook i am searching another site.
No, I don't like Facebook at all. I have my own account, but I almost never use it. I probably log in for about 30 seconds or so every week to check if someone posted something interesting, but they never do. I don't need to know what other people are doing in they're own lives and I will never post something from my own life on it.

I can easily live without Facebook, unfortunately I need it for school.
no I don't like it I hate it mostly because a lot of people use it for sharing everyything from their lives and I hate that second it's just consumes a lot of free time from young people and that time you can use to create something.

But using it to be in contact whit friends and family is a great thing but for those reasons you can always use mobile phones different apps and always go on cup of coffee whit your friends and relatives.
Facebook is definitely a great tool for business, socialising etc.
However, I honestly think people is starting to get bored od same social networks, such as Twitter or Facebook
I used to like it but now I don't anymore. I don't like the perpetually changing privacy rules and settings and I don't like that the newsfeed setting always changes from "most recent" to "top stories" no matter how many times I change it. It's hard not to be on facebook though, as a functioning member of society you *almost* need it.
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