Do You Agree with me ?

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do you agree with me Some time Friends give you Pain and Some time They dont do that What you Expect from Your friends ?

you Agree with me or not
^I smiled at first because I thought you said something funny but then I was like pokerface.jpg cuz it actually makes no fucking sense.
Heartbreak is temporary.

From every situation in life, take only what is useful to you, and ignore the rest. (Aiding others may be very useful to you, btw.) Avoid complaints and cynicism, which both focus on the bathwater instead of the baby.

Always be unafraid to challenge a much larger man, as large men have been trained not to attack those much smaller than themselves.

Never, ever, ever say unfavorable things about Vladimir Putin to the Russian press.

It is much easier to be the second best person at everything than to be the best at anything. More enjoyable, too.

I would rather have a hundred great victories and a hundred terrible defeats than two hundred stalemates. If experiences are a normal distribution, you always remember the outliers.

Men are incredible at logic and terrible at psychology. Women are terrible at logic and amazing at psychology. Dogs are both illogical and gullible but live with abundant enthusiasm.

My favorite stuffed animals are green.
what friends you're talking about? internet friends or real life friends? if you're talking about net friends i'll say just ignore em lol. i don't think any net friend will help you or support you like your family does,

real life friends, well if you lost one you'll get 2 so no hard feelings, but if he was your best friend it will hurt you a little. cause we share many things, many secrets with best friends. so no hard feelings. you should hurt yourself if you lost your family not your friends mate :) you give your full time to friends not family,

think about it <3

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