Do u smoke Weed?

Do you Partake in smoking weed?

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Fack me ! There are a lot of what others might call SAD-ARSES here! Thats not my expression honestly! Im a father of 4 kids! I have made me feel like a fish...all floppy and silly on the kitchen floor in front of the fridge trying to eat and drink everything in site!...That was just the start! I moved to Spain when I met Mr. Coca. , Mr. E, and Mr. Brown! Now that was a different experience altogether! Im not gonna judge anybody even if I have been there before like most of you think I havent! Believe me when I say... I probably been through more shit than the lot of you put together! And that, sadly to embarrassing for me. Im not proud of it at all! I drink now, as our good friend Tom_ so rightly emphasized. And that is the result of all the years of abuse to myself. A bong here, a dragon there, a bucket, or a chug!...I used to love the way it made me feel! SO! Please dont come on with lame arse half answers/comments about I dont know what im on about! I have lived to tell the tale...and before Mr.Medic PhD...says it wont kill you....ask him if it leads to the harder side of life!....It certainly doesnt stop at the odd kiff or two! I have learned to grow responsible in that area and have not touched anything but alcohol since...a big mistake! Im gonna die one day...probably sooner than I think! And that is only due to the fact that I submitted to the weed to start with. You may all think you are stronger than that... but give it time....lets see who is the first to admit it...I doubt no-one will, coz u are all too macho! I was too! So, please, think about it before you do it...thats all I can ask.
Just use it in limits... Everything in limits can't be bad for you (except super-poison). Stay of the things were you aren't sure what's in it and you should be fine. Cannabis/LSD/Salvia/... are all much better then Alcohol/Cigarettes/... and they aren't legal even many studies have already showed that you can better pop a pill then smoke a cigarette (in a way of speaking).
Dude, weed is the most natural thing to offer these days. It grows, you can't die off it. Whereas E and heroin you can. If we want to smoke the blow don't come criticizing us. I smoke yet I spell better & use more punctuation then you. I have a job, so why do you say it fucks up people's life? It doesn't. Just blaze a doobie and enjoy -- you only live once.
people that become Addicts to other drugs
are week minded weed can help week minded people
start on hard drugs yes but you cant blame the weed
you have to blame the person them selves for being week in the first place

i researched 4 years before i looked into it as a treatment
and all i can say is i am more lively more coherent of my surroundings
all around more relaxed i can eat so i can put on weight i can sleep a hole night
with out waking up from my kemo to have to puke all night so by far have to say it saved my life or at least is prolonging it...
Yes Mr. Peanut is right... and it is used for pain treatment with success. I think the topic is referring to casual usage though, not Medical.

lol djeuro he just went here

[offtopic] why does your radio not work :O [/offtopic]

good cas i was gonna say dayum thats pretty stupid if u actually copied down each person rofl..

yea my radios down right now cas my shitty host wont reply to my tickets
@ MrPeanut420... I apologize for not understanding ur opening post. Soory to learn that you are a cancer patient. All my comments were aimed at the young ones boasting about smoking weed being cool. And if any of you have actually read what I have written, you will see that I have ONLY judged myself. Anyway,...this has really turned out to be some topic! ;)
see arko66 should always read the 1st post not just the topic title ;)

i don't smoke weed to be cool or anything i have quite a short temper and get annoyed easily smoking weed chills me out so much it makes me a better person as stupid as it sounds its true i have tried hard drugs but tbh i don't really agree with them (call me a hypocrite all you want) but they are the ones that ruin lives and cause crime weed is harmless just cotch back and blaze <3
@shadow.prx... I must admit that you are right. I did just read the title and jump in with all guns blazing. Thats just me old age coming out to show its ugly face. So, i will apologize to anyone I have offended or p@ssed-off with my stupid remarks..especially to MrPeanut420. :( Sorry guys.
@ Arko66 its cool im sure peanut understands your not the only person to do it someone else did on the 1st page forgive and forget (y)

@ Mr peanut exactly it was put on this earth for a reason xD
@shadow.prx and MrPeanut420.... sorry guys...thanks for being gentle with me...knowing some of the members could have been a lot worse! :)
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