Do NOT buy a membership from FILESERVE !?!

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Hi Guys,

It's my first time to post here in General section, I want to talk about my Review to subscribe in File Hosting Websites ..

Firstly I subscribe with for 2 Years in Rapidshare ( 2008 - 2010 ) and everything was OK, until they changed their system which take me as a lot of Warez-BB here to subscribe in HotFile or FileServe !

I subscribed for Both websites and it's very cool ( from 2010 - until NOW ), But after HOTFILE deleted all movies and applications of their servers due to copyright !

We can Only use the FILESERVE which was great, but after a weeks they disabled my membership ( On Feb 2011 ) Without any Reason ! Arbitrary !!

I tried to contact them many times with my Paypal Ref. number and I told them my account should still valid until July 2011 . But one month passed without received any replay !!

I Search in Warez-BB and on Internet and I found many users have same my Issue without any replay from FILESERVE or any solution !

Snapshots which proves what I said :



So I advise eveybody
DO NOT buy a membership from FileServer,
Your Membership may disabled arbitrary without any reason and lose your Money !

Anybody can same Issue or have a solution ??

Are you sure you were not account sharing or doing something against their TOS?

Usually most of these complaints are by people who are doing something wrong and got caught.

P.S, contact RickyFS by PM on here, he should be able to help.
Thanks for replies

LongBG > Thanks for your replay

No I didn't make anything Incompatible with TOS ! I have a normal files
and some Applications but not shared ( Download times = 0 ).

algon > Thanks , I'll post it there

Thanks Guys
Bavs liationd

Thanks NiKE.. I hope that !

I was happy with FileServe because it's realy fast & simple but after this problem for a few month now , I didn't advise my friend to buy a fileServer membership


sahil00150 > Thanks for your replay & I hope you enjoy your " Awesome " !!

Can you please search on Google and see how many people have same Issue to give us a solution ?

I appreciate your replay, but we I wish you read my topic again and see my proves , I Paid on 30 Jule 2011 ( so It should work until 30 Jule 2011 ) !!!

I didn't say This happened to all Members ! But I said This what happened to ME ! and after search I see It happened to many members too !!

Thanks again X-|

Thank CyberAff >

The Paypal account belongs to me NOT hacked ! as you can see in Transaction snapshot it's with my name ( Alshajjar ) which is same My username in FileServe or WJunction !

I really tired from contact them from 2 months until now without any response received !

I contact with RickyFS now & Waiting !
LongBG > Thanks for your replay

No I didn't make anything Incompatible with TOS ! I have a normal files
and some Applications but not shared ( Download times = 0 ).

algon > Thanks , I'll post it there

Thanks Guys

I meant account sharing lol.

Anyways good luck with your problem.
sahil00150 > Thanks

LongBG > Only me use the account from Home & University !
Even if account password may stolen (Shared) they should contact me about that like all other File Hosting Services ! Not direct disable the account ! and Ignoring all my Enquirers !

However I'm Waiting ~

Royal King > Sorry my friend , My Account not hacked !

I tried to retrive my Password to registered Email :

and I have received the same my old password but it still tell me " Your Account Disabled !"

Thanks for your replay

Wadibahi > for Truth I'm not an uploader I have a files but not shared.
I use account to download only & I didn't have any earnings
sahil00150 > Thanks

LongBG > Only me use the account from Home & University !
Even if account password may stolen (Shared) they should contact me about that like all other File Hosting Services ! Not direct disable the account ! and Ignoring all my Enquirers !

However I'm Waiting ~

You use your account from home and university? That means you log in to your account from multiple IPs i.e against fileserve's TOS.

Either that or your account was hacked and the hacker used it to download loads of stuff. Trust me on this, fileserve doesn't ban accounts for fun, no company does. They do it as a last resort to stop cheating and misuse of resources.
your account was hacked and used by 10+ people so you are disabled.

its your responsibility to keep your logins SAFE

learn your mistakes and continue your life instead of coming here to cry

i dont know why new people are just coming here to complain instead of being the part of the community , they are just complaining complaining complaining...

@ OP - do you think we will believe you and wont use FS again ?

I am using FS from the 1st day and i have been paid lots of times + i am premium member and keeping my logins safe away from those KEYLOGGERS....

I and lots of users are happy with Fileserve and will continue using it...

raning > Thanks , I have contacted with Ricky and Waiting ~

CloudShadow > Thanks dude , I'm sure the Account is NOT hacked !
about IP , I used RS , HF from University & Home and working properly !

How It could be Against FS TOS ?
Let's talk Realistically who has one IP address ?
even he use FS account from one PC ! ISP doesnt give the subscribers a fixed IP address - by FREE - our PCs is client not a SERVER which required a fixed IP address !

Around the world ISPs give us different IP address everytime we connect to Internet via DHCP even we use PC in our Home ( Not Portable Platform )!

If this Against FS TOS ! so nobody should use his Account in the Laptop or his membership in Risk !!?

Second thing which this weak system which doesn't send you a notification or warning if any problem in your account or login from Multiple IPs in Same Time

Why they Ignoring All members Enquirers !?

snkr007 > Thanks dude for replay

I know It's my responsibility ! and I said It's NOT hacked !!

I repeat if your story is true !
which this weak system which doesn't send you a notification or warning if any problem in your account or login from Multiple IPs in Same Time

do you think we will believe you and wont use FS again ?

No, It's your opinion , you are free to share us your personal experience .. so do I !!
And I said my opinion in FS before it's very fast & simple BUT a many members have same my Issue without any reason !

I am using FS from the 1st day and i have been paid lots of times + i am premium member and keeping my logins safe away from those KEYLOGGERS....

Nice this explains why you are Defending FS ..
Please Don't learn me Security ,
Nothing hacked ( Email , RS , HF ,, etc ) else FS disabled and Ignoring members Enquirers !

I and lots of users are happy with Fileserve and will continue using it...

Me too , I WAS happy with FS but not until NOW
and I'm happy for you to continue using FS and NOT have same my problem which happened to many users like :

HERE ( many users same problem )



More More More

I hope this was enough to understand the problem !

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