Do Extabit pay now or not??????

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It's really incredible how this thread turns out to be. However the only question was whether Extabit still pays or not. And yes they still do. Simple as that :)
You can't say that Alex, you can say they have paid sometimes and other times they haven't, you don't know if they will pay this week, or next week, or the month after. The starter of this thread was asking if extabit pays or not, I guess the answer to that question is sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. Simple as that.
You'd be right if the question was "Has Extabit ever paid?" But in English if someone asks "Do they still pay" I would understand this person is concerned about the current situation. The point is yes Extabit still pays. This is the answer if you could get that.
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alex_ noone is here to learn english from u . we just gave a clear view of a perticular host and left it on him to decide .... And some of u supporting extabit u r somewat related to them . Bz i still remeber this guy 1617 he once pm to join the refral under that stupid guy Gfx extabit afflicaite support guy so tat he can earn from our work lolz and then we get free life time premium . So 1617 was someway related to either extabit or this guy Gfx thats why at same time when gfx made me the offer via Pm he also pmed me saying that they have very good sceme join it lolz ..... Anyways matter of fact is if some newbie ask abt a host u must tell abt present and past deeds also bz past reflect in future also . take an example of luckyshare :)
That's precisely what i'm trying to tell you my friend. How can you answer someone's question if you don't understand it? He asks if Extabit pays "nowadays" I don't know what more i can do to emphasize "nowadays". Even if you don't give a crap, yes language matters mate.

Got Payment yesterday...

If I will work them till they pay me, otherwise I stop them.:hrhr::fly::friends:
I have tested many new host but they do not give me any payment,:heiligenschein:=] so I stop to upload and delete all files or remove links from blog and forum.:139::hrhr:
if u talking abt regular payment then rg, ul , ryu and some others atleast never cheat with payment they have always paid . So if u choose host that just pys always u should have chosen these .....And the question is when u know there is a ditch some steps ahead of u then will u take chances . Thats what with this host. even i was happy with them bz they used to give detailed stats but after they scammed me i never took chances with new hosts rather went with hosts tat atleast never had tat faulters tag as far the payment is concered . Same thing people were exactly saying abt luckyshare . when they dint paid first tiem and then again paid for next payments . And after tat again they stopped paying people . Then those people learnt the lesson . Its human nature till the time u dont experience something u think what other say is wrong and maybe they did something wrong that they dint get paid :) Anyways this is endless topic just like politics where we could argument every second . So i guess mods should close this topic by now the guy starting the thread got the substance he needed :)
extabit hasent pAID me since last year the only way i can see they can pay uploaders today is from there new site dizzcloud cause avangate froze there money due to a problem what im not gonna say but yeah
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