DirectAdmin vs. cPanel/WHM

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Hey community,

You may have heard about the cPanel/WHM price increase about a year ago and also lots of hosts switching over to DirectAdmin or increasing prices themself.

It just came to my mind as we have been thinking to switch as well from cPanel to DirectAdmin.

My questions to you would be:
Would you rather pay more and use cPanel/WHM or would you be okay with DA?
Would you buy a hosting that has DA instead of cPanel?
In general, Whats your thoughts on this?

CPanel is the most popular panel, While directadmin is not very known yet as much as cpanel.
Hello, Hope you are doing well....!!

Both the panels are good to use.

cPanle is user friendly and you will get more feature. But to use Directadmin panel you need admin and technical skills.
Hello HostSlick,

cPanel has quite big audience compared to DA, hence the more beta uses the more bug fixes upfront, so less pain to plug & play in production environments.

Documentation : cPanel has evolved over years in this area, if I'm not wrong, they have documentation for every single bug, feature, issue resolution, feature description and much more. This helps us to address issues ourself

Support : I know they have paid support Queue but still answer your questions and help them resolve

but you're not limited to cPanel itself, DA is one of the oldest guy in the industry and gets the job done. Its just that you need handon experience on it. alternatively you can hire someone whos good with DA if thats costing you less then cPanel. I mean options are many you need to figure out what works well for you.

Hope you got some insights

so what the results @HostSlick . What was your conclusion.

We have started to deploy all new Orders for Shared Hosting on DirectAdmin servers, existing customers will keep cPanel. But with the new pricing structure its not worth it anymore. We only charge 15€/year for a Shared-Hosting. This would require a price increase which i would not want to do.

Customers seem to be happy with DirectAdmin, sometimes there are tickets as they have some questions regarding it because they know cPanel but not DirectAdmin. But those questions get resolved very quickly.

tl:dr; It was worth it doing the swich:)
Their is lot of new players in Web hosting control panel world, and DirectAdmin is closest competitor of cpanel, and the things going forward with DA i think we no longer required cloudlinux another cost cutting thing as a web hosting provider
I think from marketing point of view, mostly shared hosting clients would like to use cPanel, as its more user friendly and mostly clients are used to it too. However if DirectAdmin is more simpler and also a bit faster, so if your clients have no issues with that, I would recommend you to go for DirectAdmin (its all about target market and clients).
DirectAdmin and cPanel are related but not identical. They both have a server configuration system and user interface, but DirectAdmin leaves a lot of the work to the root shell. The UI of CPanel, on the other hand, contains nearly all of the setup and features. This makes it much easier to use and more appropriate for users at all skill levels.

Although DirectAdmin can be expanded, the cost of doing so is prohibitively high. You can quickly connect plugins and modules to cPanel without incurring any additional costs. Beginners will benefit from cPanel, while experienced users will benefit from more customization.
there is no other control panel better rather cPanel.. i used them all and cPanel is the best of all of them.. if you do we can make benchmarks..
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