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Also i am not native speaker but still i do not understand :facepalm:
I know to work with PP,Payza & Co. but Webmoney kills me.
The point is i have already my account and also SMS confirmation available but still i do not know how to transfer my money from Webmoney to my Bank or Credit Card.
I tried an exchanger but there is told that my account need to sent first copies of my id & so on...
There is any kind of less complicated way of receiving my funds?


I have used this (found by Google searching terms "wmz to paypal")

I used n-change twice (if you use the link to n-change from the above link you will get mostly English, use google translate as necessary).

Exchangex has a better conversion (only slightly) but tried to charge me 5 USD on 34.5 WMZ (USD), whereas n-change only charged me 4 USD on 34.5 WMZ.

I don't have codes to run keeper classic anymore (didn't back them up - didn't think they were important), so it worked for me simply by charging an invoice of 34 WMZ (less than .5 WMZ were fees, the 4 USD came out of the 34).

It sent me an invoice, then i logged into wmtransfer (webmoney US interface) and paid the invoice, went back to the tab with n-change and refreshed every few minutes to see it go through, was paid within 24 hours both times.

This way i converted the 34 WMZ to Paypal $30 USD. Without giving my ID to webmoney or adding a bank account.

Also you need to receive an SMS for the invoice function to work, it gives you a 6 digit confirmation code, without that it wouldn't work.
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I've been requested my WM payout (WM remaining limit more than the pay) like 5 times and everytime looks like get "cancelled" since the "payout" option shows again. Somebody know why? Should I give up to DF?
I know it, and I have the initial and personal plan (15000 RB - 480 WZM purse limit, with current WZM still under that), but still the pay was like "cancelled" previous times.

I have another questions for you guys, anyone know if after receiving the first payment, the limit for the second increases?
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I was reading their faq, looking for something about double accounts.
I have an account with payment in waiting proccess cuz I change my payment info..and have to wait that month. So I remembered that I have another account from the begining of deposit files, so...theres any problem if I use both accounts?
My accounts are not refered each other, and has different payment info.

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