Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

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In the end it's always about money :)

By making lot Gold Keys Expired and limited the usage, they hope peoples will buy Premium direct from them.
So why they don't open PPS Plan....? Oh wait...i know...they don't want pay commission :D

And the worst part, with requirement fill captcha on login, i can RU my files there to other host, it stuck there :( ( Anybody can tell me how to do this with their new design...? )
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Rg is also banning accounts due to DMCA.I was banned but!i was in contact with their support after removing some files i was unbanned and i have continued to use my account.DF do not make any compromisses.
where i see my keys ? ur points what is taht name i am new deposit files and want to now where i can see them and can i sold premium with them ?
alright, for the second time, how do i permanently delete my files from this hoster?

the "remove" button is like a fake, it says files have been removed but keeps showing some of my old files, and moreover, ALL my files are still downloadable, even those not shown in my fileslist anymore...
My DepositFiles account has been disabled subject to Cl. 8.2 of DepositFiles User Agreement for violation of Subclause 3.1.(i) of the User Agreement i.e. repeating copyright infringement.:rofl:
OK i accept it but why they have not delete my files ? My account is disabled but my "copyrighted files" not.

I's Time for a new file host.Any suggestions?
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alright, for the second time, how do i permanently delete my files from this hoster?

the "remove" button is like a fake, it says files have been removed but keeps showing some of my old files, and moreover, ALL my files are still downloadable, even those not shown in my fileslist anymore...

Don't worry. If you have deleted them already they still appear if you click one of your links. It's an known DF bug.
If you try to download (after waiting time/free mode) you will see the file is deleted already.
When keys expire what happens to the upoints?.
My 6 hour key expired, how can I have another one?.

No, all keys which was older than 4 weeks expired.
What a great loyalty program. I lost a few 100 keys too
Finally i agree that DF sucks
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