Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

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Payment requests!
Dear Customers! With deep regret we have to inform you that all of payment requests need to be suspended approximately for a month due to funds transfer issues from Depositfiles to Halileo again. We'll try to do our best to resolve this problem as soon as possible.

During this period we need your support and stay active!

Thank you for productive and trusty cooperation!

This is getting old. C'mon DF, you can either do the business or you can't. If not, pack it in and move on.
And don't insult our intelligence with this 'funds transfer issues from Depositfiles to Halileo'.
We know you are both part of the same whole, funds transfer, lol, from my right pocket to my left pocket!
Just say you can't manage your cash flow.
Yeah, over a month now, no news. Does not inspire confidence. Why not at least post 'still working on problem, will begin payments soon' or 'need another month' or something.
i am still using this host, same here no payment news after one month. have one payment request pending since begining of August (after i request it they come up with delay new)
need to be careful of this host now, seem they have cash problem.
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Bad News:

Payouts status!
Dear Customers! Unfortunatelly Depositfiles still has the issue on funding our accounts. Initial estimation on issue solving has been failed. As we know Depositfiles continues to search a solution. We would like to belive it will be solved. All of payment requests are suspended now until good new from Depositfiles.

Thank you for productive and trusty cooperation now and we hope in future!

I'll give them 1 month more, too bad, they're great for PPD
I will not give them one month more. Already wasted over a month continuing to upload and post. Can't keep wasting time that can be used earning elsewhere.
I in a certain forum xxx I stopped uploading links first because they were banned by anything and second by today's news on payments, I think the decline of DF has emerged, and was like the best of these pages, of course rapidgator give 2 additional terabites each year to upload files, they are serious in all this payments, filefactory has announced the payments for bitcoin and the restart of this, because hopefully this time with serious payments, I would recommend in advance suprafiles, Filefox is a horrible garbage, do not waste your time going up there are some cheats without honor. For all the uploaders, we will come out of this crisis in DF, hopefully this download server will complete all the processes, payments and, finally, do not close accounts because one or two reports, I send a greeting to you.
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