Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

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Help me!

Dear User,

We have to inform you that certain content you have uploaded to DepositFiles has been removed subject takedown notice of the alleged copyright owner. The list of currently active content is available at your DepositFiles user account interface.

In case you believe the content has been removed mistakenly or you have rights to content, please contact DepositFiles support team to legally file a takedown counter-notice. However be warned that servicing an untrue or misleading takedown counter-notice will lead to legal prosecution from the copyright owner.

Please take into consideration that malicious and/or repeating copyright infringers are denied access to Services of DepositFiles subject to Cl. 8.2 of DepositFiles User Agreement.

If you have any additional inquiries feel free to contact DepositFiles support team.

Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team
Is their latest "upgrade" an attempt to be as fucking slow & useless as Uploadable? 20 mins for files to appear after FTP upload..
+ The web uploader seems stuck in a loop, never finishing.

Anyone can suggest a host like Uploaded, where the files are instantly there like it should be ?
Help me!

Dear User,

We have to inform you that certain content you have uploaded to DepositFiles has been removed subject takedown notice of the alleged copyright owner. The list of currently active content is available at your DepositFiles user account interface.

In case you believe the content has been removed mistakenly or you have rights to content, please contact DepositFiles support team to legally file a takedown counter-notice. However be warned that servicing an untrue or misleading takedown counter-notice will lead to legal prosecution from the copyright owner.

Please take into consideration that malicious and/or repeating copyright infringers are denied access to Services of DepositFiles subject to Cl. 8.2 of DepositFiles User Agreement.

If you have any additional inquiries feel free to contact DepositFiles support team.

Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team

they will ban you soon
stop uploading get your money and runaway

i uploaded only wallpapers no warez and i got banned after 3 years
advice don't waste your time
Next month will make 3 years that I have account with them.
I only received a warning. But I found 3 more files deleted by them, in course of time ... :heiligenschein:
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