Other DediFrance.com - Admin Encoding RDP, Xeon i7 3520, 24GB RAM, 1Gbps from $22/Mo (FR)

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Hello warrior

I ordered a basic encode rdp today and paid the invoice manually and already sent a ticket with the payment details but still nobody replied or given me the login details,

Can you plz check that. Ticket id : #769401

And my invoice id is : 518
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Hello warrior,

I ordered a basic uploading rdp

my invoice ID is : 520

Payment due via payza

Thank you in advance
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I'm interested in your PREMIUM server with 10Gbps, but there aren't slots available.
Can you get more servers? :)

Thanks a lot for this info, we will surely get new server.

Hello warrior

I ordered a basic encode rdp today and paid the invoice manually and already sent a ticket with the payment details but still nobody replied or given me the login details,

Can you plz check that. Ticket id : #769401

And my invoice id is : 518

Hello warrior,

I ordered a basic uploading rdp

my invoice ID is : 520

Payment due via payza

Thank you in advance

Both of these orders will be done just now support is gonna come online in an hour max, they will complete the orders asap.

OVH - 10Gbps, Xeon i7, Limited 6 User ADMIN Encoding RDP

  • Xeon i7 W3520
  • 10 Gbps Uplink Port
  • 24GB RAM
  • RAID 0
  • 500GB RAID HDD
  • ADMIN Access Allowed
  • OVH France
  • No. of Clients – 6
  • Encoding – Allowed
  • Windows Server 2008
ORDER Link: http://www.dedifrance.com/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=22


New server will be provided to clients.
Learn to share the resources

I want to rar small file this is what I get

I sent a ticket about 6 days ago, still no reply.

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Thanks a lot for this info, we will surely get new server.

Both of these orders will be done just now support is gonna come online in an hour max, they will complete the orders asap.

OVH - 10Gbps, Xeon i7, Limited 6 User ADMIN Encoding RDP

  • Xeon i7 W3520
  • 10 Gbps Uplink Port
  • 24GB RAM
  • RAID 0
  • 500GB RAID HDD
  • ADMIN Access Allowed
  • OVH France
  • No. of Clients – 6
  • Encoding – Allowed
  • Windows Server 2008

ORDER Link: http://www.dedifrance.com/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=22


New server will be provided to clients.

Thank you warriortime, I ordered your PREMIUM server.
My invoice ID: 530

Please check ticket #148060
The whole slot has stoped working, I tried to open the browser (mozzila) and gave me this error, now I can't do anything, not even close the slot. Nothing works I can't right click, I can't start task manager, nothing works. I can't close the error I can't do nothing. Please get back to me with some support or something it's been like this for the past hour. I wrote 2 support tickets and not a single reply.

Learn to share the resources
I want to rar small file this is what I get
I sent a ticket about 6 days ago, still no reply.

PM or email me your ticket IDs and your IP for RDP and user ID.

I paid invoice #529, wait for information.

Hello warrior,

My inovice No. 520 still not comfirmed.

I'm awaiting for my rdp access informations

Thank you in advance

Thank you warriortime, I ordered your PREMIUM server.
My invoice ID: 530

Please check ticket #148060

Thanks this will be server hot for all of you.

The whole slot has stoped working, I tried to open the browser (mozzila) and gave me this error, now I can't do anything, not even close the slot. Nothing works I can't right click, I can't start task manager, nothing works. I can't close the error I can't do nothing. Please get back to me with some support or something it's been like this for the past hour. I wrote 2 support tickets and not a single reply.


As mentioned above.
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