Other DediFrance.com - Admin Encoding RDP, Xeon i7 3520, 24GB RAM, 1Gbps from $22/Mo (FR)

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three days ago, I contacted staff on live chat (chat was offline so left a message) for a demo acc but no answer until now... Where do I get a test acc pls?
Thanks in advance
three days ago, I contacted staff on live chat (chat was offline so left a message) for a demo acc but no answer until now... Where do I get a test acc pls?
Thanks in advance

I am sorry for the delay but you will get a PM from me in sometime today itself for the demo account, i guess the message skipped my attention.

Also, for other guys, one of our server has failed its RAID HDD, due to which it will be reinstall today in sometime and your slots will be alloted once again and you will get your emails quickly.

Apologies for the loss of data if any and your inconvenience but this is something out of control.

Provider please link me to your support portal. Npt a PM, IM, or Email, your actual support portal on your site. Not live chat either.

Please handle your support on your site, by answering those seeking support here you give the impression it is acceptable when it is not.

The support is available via EMAIL & Support ticket as of right now here:

Email : dedifrance@gmail.com

Today being a holiday, live chat is not working as of now but rest all levels are working.

We are setting up the new slots again for the clients and will send them to clients.

And about the demo sir, i generally provide demos myself to clients, this message left on Live chat must have skipped my attention, the client could have raised a ticket or just told me here to get the demo.

Once i fix the server, i will give the demos again.

I've just had all of my files wiped and any programs I installed Wiped.
What is the meaning of this?

Sir, the server went down 3 hours back and its now up n running for clients.
Apologies for the inconvenience but i think this is the best possible thing to do if the RAID has failed , i am sorry for the loss of files but getting the server up and running is the first priority for us for all clients.

And secondly, the RAID had failed giving us no option to get the backups. Apologies, but your logins will be sent to your email soon.
Provider stop providing support in your sales thread. Continuing to do so can result in infraction/ban and thread closure/removal.

Clients this is a sales thread, if you continue to seek support here you will face infraction or ban.
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