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Seems to be correct, I reached 70 MB/s downloading 8 files at the same time to check.

Does it matter if the ref does use PPD/PPS/MIX plan if i'm using PPD?

This is a good question @ddownload.com, please answer this one.

Are we now in the new PPD or old one? I'm speaking for myself and some of the uploaders I know. The drop of download counts from last monday to today is 75% which is huge.

We know changes etc. take time, BUT can you show us some transparency if I may ask?

I'd rather hear you say: 'guys we fucked up big time, give us some time to fix everything' than not knowing what's going on.

With all due respect, the majority of us is/was happy, but some things have changed - we know some sites are down atm but those numbers still don't add up.

news on the auto withdrawal?
Actually big lack of communication. Peopel concerne about wrong download count and slow speed and no statement. You announced soem days ago there is a new member in your support-crew for. So for me - and i believe for many others - it doesn't make any sense if your crew is bigger again you don't reply to important concernes.

I hope the best - but for me it seems like the good days are maybe gone. For the last four weeks i can't count a single positive change - only disadvantages for us, the uploaders like

:thumbsdown: slow upload speed,
:thumbsdown: slow download speed (user we referred are unsatisfied),
:thumbsdown: falling download numbers,
:thumbsdown: higher payout limit
:thumbsdown: higher payout fee
:thumbsdown: website ppd not counted at all
:thumbsdown: lack of communication
:thumbsdown: shorter file life time

So if ddownload want to work together with us the uploads in the future, you've to change many things. Actually i only see great silence after callign yourself premium host. Doesn't make sense for me. I'm a huge friend of clear words, so im shooting that all at you and i hope you can handle that in a profesionel premium way.
Why i should contact them using the support ticket feature. All the facts i wrote concern everyone. So please stop i didn't asked you. Many people here were complaining since some days, even @lila , who is a huge fan of ddownload, even he did complain about some facts. I think ddownload owes us some answers, public, not in a support ticket which isn't answered for days, weeks and months, like @ShadowEagle showed me a few days ago.
First of all, I'm also a fan of many uploaders and even rapidgator :)

I don't care about feelings or opinions, but I do care about facts. There are certain things that don't add up. I understand your points JJ. Actually all except the 'short file life span', we knew it will end - @ddownload.com mentioned this before.

Okay they have a newbie in the team - she'll need some schooling etc. We should give her at least a few weeks till she understands everything.

Funnily I had/have the upload speed problem and the fact that ddownload told me that my peering is bad and suggested me another hosting which actually JJ uses. I was suggested the same provider she has but she has the same upload issues as I do.

Before everything gets out of control, let's all calm down. We have the majority of issues written down. Let's wait for a proper response from ddownload.

and to be clear: I'm a huge fan of things that work. Most things worked till recently - when I mentioned the counting a few weeks back.

with this said. I wish you all an amazing week, lots of downloads & sales and stay healthy!

Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF
Although I hate ddownload.com..
They were paying very well compared to many sites..It was obvious that it wouldn't go like this forever.
When the incoming fee does not cover the outgoing fee..
Themselves this week will be compensated, and announced that they will pay compensation next week..
Let's see we will see together..

by the way..my profit rate decreased by 100%
joke, joke :) they banned me 3 weeks ago.
they constantly have "problems", of course always only affecting uplaoders. their side is never affected
either they have very bad server admins that cant take care of their own servers, or they are simply lying to us because they want more money.
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i mean they need literal weeks to change PPD lmao
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Tuesday today, PPD -30%, since last week Rapidgator beats DDL every day in PPD. No answers for important questions since the last days, is this the way ddownload want to go?
I want to see that. That was one of the reasons why i left rapidgator. Never earned anything with PPD there, since they dont count everything
Sorry for the delay, I'm not on the forum here very often, but try to be as good as I can.

Now if I wanted to quote all the posts, it would be a very long post here. I try to summarize everything as well as possible.

I would like to explain to some of you and it is incomprehensible to me how many accusations are exercised here. This concerns some of you here, I do not want to mention names.

No there is not insufficient communication. On the contrary, we talk here publicly and also show what is going on or what changes would come.

Therefore, it is incomprehensible to me that certain things are accused of not even true, although here in the forum is communicated again and again.

This is especially for users who are banned. Also some of them have reported here and show some accusations, although it is more than obvious that some of them use automated tools to abuse our "Free Pay-Per-Download" compensation.

It is in fact also reality that we are not obliged to give support from here. Especially not on a long term basis as it does not trigger a good business relationship. Here, many announcements or statements are misunderstood and misreceived.

  • There has always been a download limit of 10Mb per second per file since December 2020. That's about 80Mb to 100Mb per second for 10 files. Was publicly announced via the support portal of ddownload.com and also via the news portal.

  • We will introduce the new system only when we are sure that everything works properly and currently it is not the case yet.

  • We don't have any problems with the current pay-per-download remunerations. I would like to point out that the traffic from December to February has dropped by about 80%. But please watch the whole thing for the next few days. We have tested it the last few days, but think from tomorrow everything should be fine again.

  • I don't want to attack anyone here, but just want to let you know that you are the reason why ddownload works at all. That's why I would never understand why you should "trick" the partners. That would be the worst thing you could do.

In case of very urgent questions I really recommend you to contact the support center, the messages are also forwarded directly to the developers or administrators: https://support.ddownload.com/

I also ask you to remain factual and nice to each other, as I try to do with you as best I can. I am sure that in the long run good business relationships will be built.

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