Selling (script)

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Active Member
I have thought about this long and hard and this is not a guarantee but I am pretty sure i will sell a few copies of this script (Not sure how many, and this # may never be disclosed). Similar to how IPB is doing theirs.

The script will not go cheap. Once a few sales have been made I will resume updating.

The point is i want to code, I do not wish to code and focus on advertising and marketing. So what i plan to do is the few that get a copy will be able to submit feedback and get updates to the script.

For more information send me an email.

I forgot to give my email, it can be found under contact us on

You can see a LIVE demo at

I do not know a full feature list, but it has.

-SE friendly Urls
-porn addition different domain, same database, option to display it on or not on the non porn version.
-auto submitter
-crawler, get links automatically daily
-Webmaster panel
well it has to many features to really list you can see them on the site
the price will not be disclosed publicly, and it really depends on how many copies are sold. (will be also really be made once i see how many want a copy, but not everyone will get one)

You can see a live demo of the script at
look a lot like it
It wouldn't surprise me this board is full of a bunch of warez junkies

1. it looks nothing like ddlcms.
2. its not a bulletin board, its a ddl.

is it fully custom or based on another ddl script ?
^ same question.
It started off as wcddl v1. but the system is competely redone.

The point of doing this is so i can offset my time/costs with other people. But at the same time keep coding and updating my site, and while that's going on other sites grow as well.

I will list some features shortly. by updating this thread.
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