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Little Dragon

Active Member
Hello All,

Been away from the scene for a while and development of the script was on hold as well.

One reason for the delay is that after the Haiti quake disaster, our programmer was dispatched as an escort (protection) for aide sent to Haiti.

Other reasons -- there were some drawbacks with the initial versions of the script which caused delay as well:
  1. Social bookmarks page. These are always changing. It was a pain to keep these up-to-date in the script.
  2. Structure. All different skins still looked the same (yes, I realized this).
  3. Installation. The auto-install required PHP-zip module, which not everyone had. If you did have it, permissions/ownership issues arose and not everyone knows how to change ownerships back to vhost user (chown command). If manual installation was used, it was a tedious PITA, to say the least.
Ok, so now, here's what we have:

Social bookmarks have now been pruned out, and only include Facebook and Twitter. Other's can be added manually by the webmaster if desired.

Layout has been restructured and now, a skin really can look completely different). Four skins are released with the script.

Only one installation method is available, and it's semi-automatic. You upload files via FTP, set your chmod permissions, and run the install. Done.

The default skin is PLAIN -- for webmasters who wish to edit it (so please don't complain that it's too plain!).


Just want to note that this script is NOT meant to compete with other DDL scripts. It was designed independently. No other script was disected, analyzed, decrypted or copied during the development of this script.

Do not compare this script to WCDDL. I respect that script and it works for it's purpose (it's versatile, secure, and upgradable via plugins). DDLCMS installs and works differently. Yet it is also upgradable (via skins).

The script is feature rich, so yes, it may be easier for n00bs to use, but that is not the reason for it's design. The main reason for it's design is for convenience for the experienced scene webmaster.

Relate this script to others like Joomla, IPB, or Wordpress. They are all scripts that can be used by n00bs. But only the experience webmaster can run a great DDL site.

Now, having cleared that up :P on to the release...


The script, version 3.1, is complete and has passed burn in phase. Before posting it on the website, I'd like to offer it to beta testers here.

There *shouldn't* be any errors. In case there is any issue, please report it back to me here.

Some Features:

Front End Features:
  • Rate download (1 - 5 stars)
  • Instant link exchange
  • Partners linking system
  • Topsites linking system - Users can edit account, view stats, get link codes
  • Display total downloads in each category
  • Display total downloads
  • Recent downloads
  • Recent searches
  • Report dead link
  • Search by category
  • Rss feed
  • Google style "Did you mean?" search enhancer (uses custom dictionary based on your downloads database)
  • Toggle Provider (view downloads by Provider/arrows)
  • Top 5 Downloads this week
  • Top 10 Downloads (or whatever you set in admin ie. 100, 50 etc..)
  • Display User's Online
  • Social Bookmarks
  • Contact Page
  • Link To Us page
  • FAQ/ Help section
  • Tools Section (can modify in Admin)
  • CSS Validator
  • XHTML Validator
  • SEO checker (Google, Yahoo, Alexa, Bing, etc)
  • Terms of Use
  • DMCA Policy
  • Regular Submit page
  • Autosubmitter - retries failed submits
  • Full integrated SEO
Admin DDL Functions:
  • Change username and password
  • Access IP Log (success/fail)
  • Brute Force protection
  • Backup database
  • Restore database
  • Optimize database tables
  • Edit/add SEO keywords and description
  • Select categories (enable or disable any category)
  • Set each of the following:
    • Max submissions per day, per site
    • Deadlink threshold (delete download after X number of Reports)
    • Whitelist threshold (promote site to whitelist after X number of additions)
    • Max Queue
    • Max Downloads
    • Downloads to display per page
    • Page numbers
    • Recent searches
    • Recent downloads
    • Top Searches
    • Top Downloads number
  • Blacklist Site
  • Blacklist IP
  • VIP Rating System: Promote site to VIP (VIP sites never wait in queue, and they get a custom icon displayed next to their name)
  • Keyword blocker
  • Spam blocker
  • Edit Partner Links
  • Edit blacklist
  • Edit whitelist
  • Edit suffixes used for related searches and sponsor links
  • Update dictionary (the keywords database used for the "Did You Mean?" search mod)
  • XXX category, if enabled, displays only targetted Xxx related advertisements
  • Mass email all webmasters
  • Email specific webmaster
  • Paginated Que - Toggle by Site, by IP, or by Category (Apps, Games, etc..)
  • Paginated Downloads - Toggle by site
  • Paginated Reported Queue - delete single download, or delete all from a particular site
  • Enable or disable email auto-responder
  • Auto adblock system - edit or add your own adblocks
Admin Topsites Functions:

  • Display accounts and stats
  • Anti-cheating system - blacklist IP or Site
  • Display cheat log
  • Rerank accounts
  • Clear IP Logs
  • Clear account stats
  • Reset hits in/out
  • Reset total hits in/out
  • Manage blacklist
  • Manage banned IPs
  • Add Triggers (add/subtract/assign hits to any site)
  • Set number of sites to display
  • Set minimum hits needed to get listed
  • Set Productivity Bonus (extra points if surfer clicks a link)
  • Customize/Edit Gateway Page
  • Many more options available in admin (Rank By, Rank Interval, Cookie Expiration, etc..)
Admin Instant Link Exchange Functions:

  • Enable or disable LE
  • View or delete links manually
  • Run Link Checker -- checks backlinks and deletes links automatically
  • Add a link (with or without backlink requirement)
  • Sort Links (alphabetical, by date, scrambled)
Admin Page Maker Functions:
  • View pages
  • Add page
  • Edit pages
  • Submit pages to all sites
  • Submit to Katz (Katz-specific pages)
  • Submit to ***** (*****-specific pages)
  • Rss Generator
  • Check file host on local pages
Admin Autosubmitter Functions:
  • View URLs
  • Add URLs
  • Delete URLs
  • View IPs using your autosubmitter
  • Bann IP
  • Enable or disable public autosubmitter
If anyone wants to check out a demo:

Default Skin

Lividus Skin

Scarlett Skin

Magazeen Skin

Indigo Theme

Colorus Theme

Cerulean Theme

No admin demo available. Suffice it to say, it's pretty sweet now.

If you are interested, download and install it, and please report both positive and negative feedback (and please nothing like "***DDL FTW!!" or "this script sucks" etc.. :unsure: I need proper feedback/info from you guys so I can configure and fix/design this script for the community! (y)

New! Download 3.2 here.

Thanks in advance. :)
after coming on WJ i was thinking to do something and i think ddlcms will be a gud start for me.Thanks i love all features and i appreciate your hard work.
Yes WSyndicate, you are correct. I had changed colors and background, but anyways I didn't think he would mind after seeing this thread. However, I have just emailed him just to make sure.
You really should have asked him before ripping his skin.

How about a changelog? so we can review everything you improved..
It looks much better than DDLCMS v2, which failed on unbelievable levels. Hopefully you have fixed all the security flaws now and made it more customizable. Is there a way to turn off any unwanted features?
I'd be interested on having a look at the script. I can help point out potential vulnerabilities (which you have a history off), some possible code optimizations etc.
You really should have asked him before ripping his skin.

How about a changelog? so we can review everything you improved..
It looks much better than DDLCMS v2, which failed on unbelievable levels. Hopefully you have fixed all the security flaws now and made it more customizable. Is there a way to turn off any unwanted features?

yeah, + a site rating system would be great ,eg. 1sta 2 star 3 star up to 5 star :D just like katz and also Hosted On system,eg HF/FS/RS :D
You really should have asked him before ripping his skin.

You are 100% correct. I jumped the gun on this and forgot all about it. :blush: Well, I'm waiting for his response and if need be I will either delete it from distribution or compensate him. But regardless, I apologized to him nontheless.

How about a changelog? so we can review everything you improved..
It looks much better than DDLCMS v2, which failed on unbelievable levels. Hopefully you have fixed all the security flaws now and made it more customizable. Is there a way to turn off any unwanted features?

Changelog for v3.1
Changelog for v2.2

Yes, you can turn off unwanted features. Take a look at the first demo -- this is with most features turned off, and of course, direct editing of the skin will enable further customization (add or remove things).

I'd be interested on having a look at the script. I can help point out potential vulnerabilities (which you have a history off), some possible code optimizations etc.

Thankyou, that's the reason for this post. I would appreciate it. There was a vulnerability in v1.0. I don't think anything was found after 2.0 was released.

yeah, + a site rating system would be great ,eg. 1sta 2 star 3 star up to 5 star :D just like katz and also Hosted On system,eg HF/FS/RS :D

I do not want to copy katz for this mod because, as we all know, Katz is king on the DDL scene, and what's more, a 5 star rating system is fit for a big site like Katz, but not for all DDL sites. And, even Katz mainly prioritizes 4 and 5 star sites.

Hence, the script comes with a "VIP Rating System". You can promote any site on your whitelist to "VIP" status. VIP sites get:
  1. A custom VIP icon next to their site name
  2. Their downloads go automatically into the Queue (never waiting)

Ok, I will look into this mod for you bro. ;)

Heya mate looks good I will try that out thx for share btw can it be install publich/xxx ?? Whit the auto install

Well there is a semi-automatic install now. The script has not been tested in a sub-directory, so I'm not sure if it will or will not work. If it goes (the install button will be enabled), it should work with no problems. Only way to find out is, try it bro.
i opened the file in browser (firefox) after uploading all files to my hosting

EDIT : i checked the above link and tried same link on my domain. it worked thanks
btw i forgot to add 3.1.php in browser sorry my bad but thanks for the help
its solved now thanks for the help

EDIT : i am getting this error

  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_done.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_login.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_main.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_test.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
I tried to see this files in zip content but cant find it.. plz help
You are 100% correct. I jumped the gun on this and forgot all about it. :blush: Well, I'm waiting for his response and if need be I will either delete it from distribution or compensate him. But regardless, I apologized to him nontheless.

Changelog for v3.1
Changelog for v2.2

Yes, you can turn off unwanted features. Take a look at the first demo -- this is with most features turned off, and of course, direct editing of the skin will enable further customization (add or remove things).

Thankyou, that's the reason for this post. I would appreciate it. There was a vulnerability in v1.0. I don't think anything was found after 2.0 was released.

I do not want to copy katz for this mod because, as we all know, Katz is king on the DDL scene, and what's more, a 5 star rating system is fit for a big site like Katz, but not for all DDL sites. And, even Katz mainly prioritizes 4 and 5 star sites.

Hence, the script comes with a "VIP Rating System". You can promote any site on your whitelist to "VIP" status. VIP sites get:
  1. A custom VIP icon next to their site name
  2. Their downloads go automatically into the Queue (never waiting)

Ok, I will look into this mod for you bro. ;)

Well there is a semi-automatic install now. The script has not been tested in a sub-directory, so I'm not sure if it will or will not work. If it goes (the install button will be enabled), it should work with no problems. Only way to find out is, try it bro.

thanks for the reply :) ...............
its solved now thanks for the help

EDIT : i am getting this error

  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_done.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_login.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_main.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
  • Warning! The file "topsites/templates/init_test.tpl" doesn't exist. Make sure you uploaded it.
I tried to see this files in zip content but cant find it.. plz help

Prior to upload I removed those files thinking they were not necessary...... I f****d up.

I have added those files back to the distro now. You need those files in the topsites/templates directory for the install to work.

Sorry to anyone else who got this error message.
i think i am the first tester and i got this error !!

EDIT : its very hard to set 666 permission for more then 50 files which are located in different folders
everything is working fine. gr8 script but getting 1 more error when i click on the submitted links on index page :

You don't have permission to access /frame.php on this server.
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