DDL2 - Faster, Better and More Secure

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DDL2 - Faster, Securer, Better

- Proper coding standard. No more bad coding practices

- SQL escapeing of strings instead of addslashes

- A database abstraction layer, the first step to multiple database type support.

- Templating Support

- Better file structure then WCDDL

- Heavily optimised. Less of if statements, incorrectly referenced arrays etc.

- Includes support for XCACHE variable cache for massive speed improvements.

- Faster module system - Compadible with WCDDL for the moment, but not for long

- Hooks system

Version: 0.2.1 alpha (Yeah we backtracked from beta)

Files: http://thewarezscene.org/ddl2.zip
Demo SQL: http://thewarezscene.org/ddl2.sql.gz

Demo: http://sceneus.com

Requires: PHP5, mySQL

Recomends: XCACHE

This is beta software use at your own risk. As of V0.2.0 this software is not compatible with the database from wcddl. A converter will be supplied in the stable version but for now it isnt that hard to build one yourself.

The default style is borrowed of someone else, im not sure who but yeah I only ported it. If this is your style let me know and Ill add you to the creds. The software itself was origionally based of WCDDL but was highly optimised as a fork and is now extremely different in code to WCDDL. Currently some WCDDL mods will work with DDL2 howeaver this will change in the future as 0.3.x will drop support for WCDDL mods.
I started this project a long time ago, but lost my domain when I accedently let it expire so the project stalled. Now im coding it again, and this is my test site.

BTW the template on the demo site != the basic template provided.
While you use my code, if you use it anymore, can you please give credit.
I highly doubt you rewrote it from scratch as you started with WCDDL, so until you do write it from scratch it remains to be WCDDL-based.
I have please read the post and see the comments at the top of index.php. :D rewrote the submit.php today, getting closer to a 100% rewritten script. Atm its only the admin, blacklist/white that i havent modded. Anyway i have given u cred (ctrl+f WCDDL).
new version released that fixes some problems with various plugins. And the extremely beta ajax (ajaxmod and ajaxcore) plugin is included.
Hey guys, can anyone share a DB so i can see the script in action, the mysql db that i downloaded with it on the first post just says :
SQL Error on Query: SELECT d.id,d.sid,d.title,d.type,d.url,d.dat,d.views,d.rating,s.name as sname, s.url as surl FROM (wcddl_downloads d) LEFT JOIN wcddl_sites s ON (s.id=d.sid) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,30
Unknown column 'd.type' in 'field list'
File: /home/sites/dszone.co.uk/public_html/includes/dbal.class.php (Line: 42)
Function: sql_error
Args: SELECT d.id,d.sid,d.title,d.type,d.url,d.dat,d.views,d.rating,s.name as sname, s.url as surl FROM (wcddl_downloads d) LEFT JOIN wcddl_sites s ON (s.id=d.sid) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,30

File: /home/sites/dszone.co.uk/public_html/index.php (Line: 96)
Function: sql_query
Args: SELECT d.id,d.sid,d.title,d.type,d.url,d.dat,d.views,d.rating,s.name as sname, s.url as surl FROM (wcddl_downloads d) LEFT JOIN wcddl_sites s ON (s.id=d.sid) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,30

Also, when i goto the admin section it just leads to a blank page, will the db problem fix that ?

Thanks in advance
Way to go bumping an ancient thread lol

Maybe just use wcddl instead of splitice's modified wcddl?
Thats not a bad idea, but would you know where i can get some different skins and plugins for it, cause the wcddl version i have is a bit too basic and basic looking :(

Thanks for the reply guys, was wondering if i would get a reply from an old thread lmao :P

Nearly forgot then lol,

What about TopDDL Reloaded, ive heard a shit load of good things about it, but the donwload links every where dont lead anywhere, seems TopDDL is no more :(, wouldnt have it lying around would you :)
WCDDL *looks* basic because its a backend, not really a full-blown out-of-the-box money-making script.

I just slapped on a free design to give it a frontend. I actually created it to be modified and customised, which is why most big non-kddl DDL sites use it and many respected webmasters use it.

Splitice's "version" (as far as i remember), implements a template engine and various other things.

Any design can be used with WCDDL, you simply copy the PHP across from the old design to the new.
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