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Many premium accounts upgraded that didn't count into balance :facepalm:

Yep, they're still shaving a lot this week. I'll be dropping them completely soon if this continues the entire week. I've also had many complaints about files being down that are not down on my end.
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WTF? They just refunded few users who bought their premium over a year ago. As if cheating on the sales was not enough.!
Time to move elsewhere.
I am so upset my account just hacked by someone and he changed everything EMail, Login and Password i am fucked now reported support whole week regarding this and just crated ticket today and everything gone.
Is this a mass message, did anyone received this?


payment been declined by banking institution.
Probably the declined because transaction is comming from China.
We advice you to contact your bank for decline reason and ask them to accept the charges.

You can also try to pay with ith local payment methods( for example paysafecard or bank transfer), resellers or bitcoin. Resellers in most cases accept local payment methods and paypal. You can find list of resellers on our premium order page."

The message is longer... I don't understand, I did not made any payment or anything. I am just an uploader... This is so confusing to me :)

why i cant using filezilla to ftp upload?
im using your setting still cant connect

Filezilla works fine for me. Did you set it up correctly? my settings for datafile are, protocol: FTP, encryption: only use plain FTP, logon type: normal

why i cant using filezilla to ftp upload?

Make sure you are using the current server: - Reliable file hosting - - Reliable file hosting

yes i use current server, but fail to disconnect in rdp
yes i use current server, but fail to disconnect in rdp
Did you already checked if IP Security option is enabled on Profile page?
If it's enabled, then the IP of your rdp is blocked.
Then you need add the IP of your rdp on whitelist or disable the IP Security uncheking it.
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