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NO count site's sale again :facepalm:

P/s: They count sale/rebill very slow, howerver so fast refund sale count

Added after 1 47 minutes:

F***king, they just refunded $73 in my balance. Should be change to another filehost now
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what the fuck is wrong with refunds ?? a way to start cheating / shaving ??and whats more funny somone bought premium account on 24-04 and now got all his me money back (24-04 + 24-05) so he downloaed everthing for free or they just took it ? ...i'm started of thinking to change this host .. i just feel bad for my site visitors ..
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WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SITE...was so good afew weeks ago ...only issue it had was that it was slow and repeated with all those issues ...NO DOWNLOADS,NO SALES,NO REBILLS.... i mean WTF?
We don't have ADULT KING...then why these sites are posing problems? the only question that i can think of right now.We should have started going back to Filesonic days.. but instead going nowhere.


JUST CHECKED MY WEBMONEY ACCOUNT STILL NO PAYMENT RECIEVED IN MY WEBMONEY OF JUNE 12 ...even though it says PAID..? WHAT IS GOING on? anyone else's payment still pending from june 12?
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WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SITE...was so good afew weeks ago ...only issue it had was that it was slow and repeated with all those issues ...NO DOWNLOADS,NO SALES,NO REBILLS.... i mean WTF?
We don't have ADULT KING...then why these sites are posing problems? the only question that i can think of right now.We should have started going back to Filesonic days.. but instead going nowhere.


JUST CHECKED MY WEBMONEY ACCOUNT STILL NO PAYMENT RECIEVED IN MY WEBMONEY OF JUNE 12 ...even though it says PAID..? WHAT IS GOING on? anyone else's payment still pending from june 12?

Dear Affiliates,

From now on we''ll have to change our payout plan. Payouts will be done every Thursday with 2 weeks hold. ( Before we had 1 week hold). Next payout will be on 25th June.
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