PPD is cancer and needs to be removed from all filehosts. All PPD does is encourage cheating, link spamming, and slow down the servers for other users.
With programs like fuckin Jdownloader, it's just too hard for most filehosts to profit from PPD. There are tons of free downloading losers who will never buy premium.
If a filehost is losing money due to PPD, I suspect they are more inclined to shave, and this fucks over the PPS affiliates.
i know but they do have sales and also on ppd some people do get sales, too 2 days ago i give them 2 sales. to datafile they should make both ppd and pps and they should pay to partners if they want to be a good site in future if people trust the site it would be success if they dont trust the site it will be gone just like others like bitshare, freakshare, privatefiles or xerver.
Filehost is not a charity. They are a business and they are free to remove/adjust their affiliate program if it's detrimental to their business. Didn't you read their ToS when you signed up?