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Have big problem with Datafile. Have balance of 14.289 dollars i cannot be paid. Have communicated many times but nothing happen. At start i bougt premiumship two times but did not get registered or paid back. I worked hard to produce the money a have earned. What will i do?
Have big problem with Datafile. Have balance of 14.289 dollars i cannot be paid. Have communicated many times but nothing happen. At start i bougt premiumship two times but did not get registered or paid back. I worked hard to produce the money a have earned. What will i do?

As we told you many times, minimum payout for your payout method is 100$ USD.
Here parts of our communucation last weeks.

Copy of most important comunication from 20 Marts untill now. As i hope you can see you have denied untill now to pay me at my paypal account and also my new Webmoney -Account. My balance does inform the fact 14.289 dollars in my account or ? And now the argument is a cost of 5 dollars for payment by Paypal. Why is it then paypal is an option? It was the same matter when i bougt premiunship two times and got no premium ship or my money back. A lot of costs, a lot of use of time. A lot of communication. I have got nothing, but i have earned about 14.000 dollars to Datafile and nothing to myself. Please tell me how we can close this issue. Thank you.

Correspondance 20 March to April 4

Me. Dear Datafile.
The information is i have an amout of 14.289 dollars. Is that right understood? My information for
Kind regards Finn.
you: Hello,

Yes, this is correct.

Me Thank you for reply. How can I get paid?
Kind regards

You: Hi,

You need to enter your wmz purse in your partner setting.

Me: Hi.
Have never tried before. How will i do. Do i need webmoney-system and account? Payment by paypal not possible ???

Kind regards

Me: Hi agian.
I have now an webmoney-account also.
But i am not used to this and need help to find out what to do, if transfer to my paypal is not an option? my paypal-

Thank you for your help
Kind regards

Thank you for your helo
Kind regards

You: We need to know your wmz purse.

Me: I have now created an WMZ purse and changed my partner-setting with success. Information is: wmz xxxxxx
Is that right and what will I do next ?
Thank you very much for your patience and informations
Kind regards

You: Hi,

Now you can start ear funds in our affiliate programaffiliate program. We pay every friday. You set minimum payout 100$ USD. So once you reach this amount we'll pay you to wmz purse

Me: Hi.
Thank you for reply. I will do that. What about the current amount of 14.289 dollars. What is the value of this money. I thought I would be paid now? At this time I do no work. Soory i do not understand the system completely untill now. Thank you for your reply

I have all the time been part of affiliate programaffiliate program and had set my information to paypal as this is an option. But am i right, only webmoney is an option?

You: Hi,

we can pay also to pp. Minimum payment is 100$ USD.

Me: Hi
Thank you for answer. I like all the money possible paid now to Paypal now if posible. 14.289 dollars. information is: xxxxxs it possible? If the money 14.289 dollars is sended to paypal ?? If so thank you very very much sir and do have a good day.


ME: Thank you. I like all my balance to be paid now if possible. 14.289 dollars. Information my paypal-account: xxxxxx

Thank you for informing me when done.
Best greetings
Finn Kaels Pedersen

Dear Data file. Please answer me when possible.
Thank you very much


You: Hi,

We can pay only when you reach 100$ USD.

Me: What will I do with my balance. I do not understand. I have balance of 14.289 balance. I do not understand when you tell me i shall reach 100 dollar, why I cannot be paid when I have reached 14.289 dollars. Please inform me if there is something I do not understand. Thank you

You: Because we have to pay 5$ per paypal payout to exchanger.

Me: NO PROBLEM- just withdraw the 5 dollar from the amount you send me. Ok ? Or we could say you send me 14.000 dollars and keep the 289. It is ok ?
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i dont get anything from ur conversation but one thing i do get is if u have 100 $ then only u get money via paypal else iu withdraw with webmoney its simple as that and when u use a filehost u accept those rules of payment and even then if they dont pay u then u can tell to people out here that u were not payed ... else move on with other hosts .....
The conclusion is easy. I have a balance of 14.289 dollars i have never been paid and they until now have denied to pay me. I had paypal-account from start. Now also webmoney-account as I was asked of Datafile. But i am not paid. What will I do??
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Change your payout method to webmoney and you will get paid. And I would like to ask you to remove our private conversation if you don't want you account banned.

Added after 16 minutes:

You are turning the facts upside down. First you was not able to create wmz purse in your webmoney account and once You did ( about 1 week ago) you asked if it is possible to use other method for payout. Yes , we said it is possible. Minimum payout is 100$ USD.

Added after 3 minutes:

You are such I would say "unexperienced" to post here you email address and wmz details....:facepalm:
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Dear sir. Thank you for your reply.
I apologize I do not know enough about this and if have misunderstood some of the your information. But of course paypal is much more easy to me if this way of payout can be used in one way or another ?? as this system has had function for me over years

Do have a nice weekend.
Best greetings
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Dear Affiliates,

Payout funds been transfered to exchange system. However, because of delay in bank transfer you'll receive funds on Monday.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Dear datafile.

Think i do not understand all yet. I have two questions left. 1) Is it, or is it not possible to be paid my balance 14.289 by my paypal.??? You told me so, but at the end you told, I could not because of expenses of 5 dollars it is not possible. Will the payment be in one time ??

2) If i change to webmoney again will i be paid my present balance 14.289 dollars this way ???

I prefer paypal as my settings are now, but will change to webmoney if no other option

Sorry i do not understand all about this system, but thanks to you and God if a way of final solution will be found now

Thank you for your reply

It looks like that they are no longer trustworthy. Another week without payment, despite the promises made​​.

Avoid this filehost!

Not true. All payments are done in Friday. There was only 1 time when we made payment on sunday.

Not looked into this thread, since I stopped using your service, but I'm here to correct something.

I finally received my money.
I'll not go into details, but it took more than two weeks, a few sentences exchanged on the ticket, and one broken promise.
Anyway, the official reason which I received when I got a reply to my ticket, was the Paypal min. payout limit set from 10$ to 100$.
Changing it, without informing users about this before, and delays in response to the tickets not really arouses confidence.

You generally have a problem with communication for some time, but it's no longer my concern.


Don't be influenced by the minimum amount payable setting, cuz it refers only to the Webmoney now.
You get paid on Paypal, only if your ballance will amount min. 100$.
If you want to get your 14.289$, you have to change the method of payment to WM.

That's it.
Ok . Thank you. Now i understand. I will change and hope for further assistance if a problem shows up.

Thank you Data file


Added after 25 minutes:

I have now changed to WM with success
A wmz purse. Is that right???
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Ok . Thank you. Now i understand. I will change and hope for further assistance if a problem shows up.

Thank you Data file


Added after 25 minutes:

I have now changed to WM with success
A wmz purse. Is that right???

My payment WMZ or Paypal

Good. Thank you. Information in the ticket.

Added after 1 Day 4 Hours:

This day you told me : " Hi, We can pay to paypal if you reach 100$ in your balance.. The best way for you is to change payoutpayout to wmz and you'll get payout this week "

My answer. I have changed to wmz in my partner-settings after your former advice. You have all needed information for my payment or not???

But I am not used to this system of pay out, and do not know how to understand your all information when you say WHEN i reach 100 dollar because my balance is now 14.289 dollars. You told me once before I could be paid by paypal, but did not pay me because of transfer costs of 5 dollars. My system of Paypal is established and for me much easier, and if Paypal as you say again is an option, does that mean i will be paid all my balance 14.289 and when??? I can see in this thread another has been paid out by Paypal

If any doubt i just prefer my payment at WMZ as my settings are now following your latest advices.

Thank you for an solution.
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Good. Thank you. Information in the ticket.

Added after 1 Day 4 Hours:

This day you told me : " Hi, We can pay to paypal if you reach 100$ in your balance.. The best way for you is to change payoutpayout to wmz and you'll get payout this week "

My answer. I have changed to wmz in my partner-settings after your former advice. You have all needed information for my payment or not???

But I am not used to this system of pay out, and do not know how to understand your all information when you say WHEN i reach 100 dollar because my balance is now 14.289 dollars. You told me once before I could be paid by paypal, but did not pay me because of transfer costs of 5 dollars. My system of Paypal is established and for me much easier, and if Paypal as you say again is an option, does that mean i will be paid all my balance 14.289 and when??? I can see in this thread another has been paid out by Paypal

If any doubt i just prefer my payment at WMZ as my settings are now following your latest advices.

Thank you for an solution.

I'm using the DataFile.i rebill...why.?
Dear sir. I replied . We just use Datafile ticket forward. OK?

Here my reply of yesterday at datafile ticket
. 16:41 Apr 07, 2014

I have changed to wmz in my partner-settings after your former advice. You have all needed information in my settings for my payment to be affected this week???

Thank you for your reply

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Only this month we offer free 1 year premium for affiliates with 30TB storage. Send a ticket on in order to claim it! Please atach screenshots of your payouts from any other File hosting site.
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