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I like their advanced statistics for partners. You can set the download speed for free users, or the amount of free downloads a day per user. Their support is impeccable, respond within a few hours and are open to suggestions.

They hold payouts for a week due to the fraud transactions. To date, I received every payment on time.
A little hard on sales, but probably because I use them as a mirror.
ive been upping to datafile i have datafile on icq very good admin but only problem at nite there server goes really slow

ive been getting premium sales downloads from tehparadox and warezbb so there accepted in there they hold first payment for 2 weeks

not a week
i actually did try to get him to add ppd but he said no only pps

this site is a joke its online then offline i have message admin at datafile if this dont improve by tomorrow nite then i will leave cause it pointless

and all ive had is 10 downloads today with over 300gb space used over 200 files
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I see this filehost has 10gb limit for premium users and 2gb for free.
For me that is too low.
And 30 days to be deleted for inactivity is also something I really don't like.
Not a chance to use them.
Best and honest filehost :sun:

ive tried many filehost, this one never had problem upload / download, also premium download speed really Awesome.
We are temporary using another payment processing company while reconnect the main one. So, there will no transaction fee again shortly.

Thank you!
Premium sales declined significantly since the 25% fee appeared. Your price plus a fee, making it the most expensive premium account now among file lockers. Users do not want to bear additional costs.

Good to know it's a temporary situation, because I was going to leave you.

btw. Welcome to WJ
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