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Hmm. Stats working fine for me but I have my delay at 60 minutes + box checked.
I am going to uncheck the box and set delay at 30 minutes. I will post again with result.

Added after 6 minutes:

Honestly, this is too much headache.
Datafile should remove the delay setting. Just make the delay 45 or 60 minutes between downloads.
It's working with this settings: delay 10 minutes + box unchecked. But confirming this ^^ (y)
It seems, this would be the best option to avoid further problems.
Good and promising step will be - default delay 45 or 60 minutes set up by filehost.

25 mins delay / box unchecked = captcha works , download available!

now free + prem downloads are counted again.

tomorrow will test 28 mins, hope thats the best for my personal filehost situation.
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lol, u entered wrong captcha : robert upsala instead of robert oupsala
I realize that but it accepted it. If it doesn't accept it tells you you entered it wrong before the countdown begins.
I wasn't going to record it for another hour after I noticed that though. But yeah, facepalm to me.
@DataFile: Pls check your inbox! Just sent to you one PM. My users have problem when downloading files who impossible get finished one file, alway get error STOP while downloading, pls check your PM for more details. Almost error files from 26 Jan -> 28 Jan. Today i didn't check
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@^ same here, but they have a problem....payment appear for last week and this week (allballance). Usually we get paid only for last week.
Hope taht will not be any problems with payment!
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in fact will be 2 weeks hold (friday doesnt count-friday starts a new week in their payment system )
I hope they dont start to use this tricks!Lets see if the will pay or not...
I am sure they did it by mistake.
But it might get treated as if the money was earned today, so it starts another 7 day hold. Hold clears next friday, and then we get paid another 7 days after that. -_-
Datafile is aware though, so they might try to fix it.
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