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indeed site is under ddos since 26 December. But it is up and running. We just need to filter bots and may be 5-10% of users will not be able to access site till ddos is finished.
AdultKing (SFL) as usual. :whistling:

Added after 2 minutes:

not working on my side. maybe merchant account suspended?
I dont think so.......probably a bug they are working on site (i think)

I hope so. I wish datafile would reply soon.

I am gonna be very annoyed if I have to change filehost again.
I've been in this business for only like 2 months and I already had to change filehost twice already.
1st time, the filehost died and ran with money. 2nd time, filehost banned me for "copyright abuse" and kept
all the money that was in my account... this was funny because I didn't upload any USA copyrighted movies, porn, software, or games.
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Can you tell us which country your sale came from? Maybe credit card payment is just not working for certain countries.
Nothing still happens when I click Visa / Mastercard with USA IP.
How to make all files for premium only?
Not sure if there's a way to make them all Premium Only with one click, but go to your files screen.
Click the checkboxes to the left of the files, or click the top checkbox to select all on that screen, then click the large icon that looks like a star in the middle of the screen.

Added after 1:

There is no problem with credit card.

This bug is happening only when the premium page is loaded as

If you remove the "S" of the URL and load the page as you will be able to see that the credit card is working fine.

As Sonic had said some pages ago -

Datafile is having problem with SSL certificate.
Problem is, if we couldn't even figure that out here, how are customers supposed to figure that out?
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