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Damimage.com Server Status Check

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damimage.comURL Checked:
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DOWNDamimage.com is DOWN for everyone.

Hi. My payment status is showing "approved" for couple days. What does it mean exactly? Payment is done or still awaiting? If still awaiting, How long does it take usually? Thanks.
user: thugster
comment: The potential combination of real and fake traffic
status: check, pending

Can I get clarification as to why after using your site for 9 months with no problems, suddenly this is happening. Is there anything I can do differently to avoid this issue?

Received 21 payments from you before never having this problem once. The only thing I have done differently is started combining hosts when I post in forums because some users complain about all the pop ups. So if I post several images in one thread I sometimes use different image hosts for each image to give users a choice. That's the only change in my posting method with I just started just recently. Could this be the problem? Are some of these image hosts using fake traffic to attract advertisers and this in some way gets intertwined within my posts and let it look less credible? I am totally confused.

This is a sample of my posts:

Please advice me as to what I can do to avoid legitimate traffic showing up as fake traffic, as my threads cannot be views without signing in to the forum, so my traffic is indeed authentic and real.


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