Credit Cards Suck

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Twice this week my cc's have been used for unauthorized purchases. What is fucked is they have not been used online ever as far as these 2 seperate cc's go. So I am thinking somewhere locally that these cards have been used has been hacked and someone has thier whole client database of credit cards. And of course it is fucking kids that have done it because they bought a $50 online game from, and some gfx templates from some other off the wall site. I mean no biggie to me I am not out anything because all they did was reverse charges and these kids will be sought out by the service providers. I am gonna lmao when and if they get caught because they have left a hell of a trail and by no means tried to be anonymous in the matter. Fuckin noobs.
Haha bro,

Try to NOT purchase ANYTHING from smaller sites. Because many of those sites are vulnerable on SQL Injection , and other web vulns. And you should really inform your self about credit card fraud , If they bought something expensive like 1k $ laptop , then you could sue them. But like this , because of 50$ ? Hahaha. You will spend more money on reporting them ...

But anyway , good luck. And remember what I said , buy things only from bigger shops. And do NOT download apps , and games , hacking tools. And everything else that can be backdoored / binded with Stealer or Zeus banking trojan.
It happens quite a lot. Luckily, most credit card companies are clamping down and you are not liable if you report directly to their fraud department, and in most cases, their fraud dept. calls you to verify suspicious transactions (I love it when they call me, even when the transaction was legit).

I recently had my mastercard charged monthly by website (a classifieds site) and they were charging me $12 every month. To boot, I was also charged $78 a month from Yahoo Personals by someone with a username "Tinkerbell" in California -- I had to argue my ass off with Capital One that I did not make such authorizations, and MONTHS later, after many phone calls, faxes, emails, etc, received my money back. What a headache though.

Warning: stay away from pre-paid credit cards. I lost $1300 a few years ago when some idiot used my card # to purchase 13 train tickets in Italy, somewhere I've never been. I filed a dispute and was promised a refund. 3 months later I was told by NextwaveTitaniumplus Mastercard that I would not be getting my refund, and I just lost the money. Pre-paid cards are insecure, and if it's compromised, your f*cked, period.
I got my money back and thats the thing these cards are never used online for anything that had to get them from one of the places they have been used outside of the net.
Twice this week my cc's have been used for unauthorized purchases. What is fucked is they have not been used online ever as far as these 2 seperate cc's go. So I am thinking somewhere locally that these cards have been used has been hacked and someone has thier whole client database of credit cards. And of course it is fucking kids that have done it because they bought a $50 online game from, and some gfx templates from some other off the wall site. I mean no biggie to me I am not out anything because all they did was reverse charges and these kids will be sought out by the service providers. I am gonna lmao when and if they get caught because they have left a hell of a trail and by no means tried to be anonymous in the matter. Fuckin noobs.

Is it not you who had your credit cards stolen? :))
But they still GOT their goods. Some template , and what else? :P

And Scotty is older guy ... Because of that he's not very informed about fraud. So he isn't really a noob because of that. Only because of writing "Fuckin noobs! x D
hmmm how did I lose was immediately refunded and I just ordered new CC's....and ya they must have been phished seeing how they were never used online.

I dont think you can phish cards that have never been used on the internet.
They could be only skimmed in some store you used those CC's ?

And they sold it someone on marketing forums .. And they used it , but how could anyone steal CC from interent if that CC wasn't on internet. Epic?
I was being a smart ass thanks man. I know they werent phished. I know what phishing is it seems that certain people cant read the fact they were never used on the net.
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