CPVAdvertise.com - We buy all your traffic at CPM rates $$$$

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Looks good till now..........
what is invalids?

i usually get a lot of Hits from US
but with CVP its showing im getting very less US hits
that's the only confusion i have

and Finland Rates are very low at cvp...as i get lots of Finland hits as well

This is the breakdown which i usually get from my earlier Ad agency
but in CVP its very much different
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Looks good till now..........
what is invalids?

i usually get a lot of Hits from US
but with CVP its showing im getting very less US hits
that's the only confusion i have

and Finland Rates are very low at cvp...as i get lots of Finland hits as well

This is the breakdown which i usually get from my earlier Ad agency
but in CVP its very much different

- looks like you have JuicyAds stats, are you showing banner impression ads or popunder ads ?

- popups/popunders stats depends mostly on visitor browser that may have adblocker, and that's why we recommend to choose the popunder ad onclick mode instead of auto open, because AutoOpen usually blocked by many browsers.

- Regarding Finland, yes it's considered good country but it's all depends on our advertisers bids, you may see increasing in rate in upcoming days when new advertiser bid more money for it, that's how system work.

- secondly in reality you don't have Finland traffic, actually it's all Indian visitors but using Mobile Nokia with Ovi browser which use open proxy server located in Finland (Nokia Headquarter)

e.g here your finland traffic ips coming :

it's confirmed Finland proxy server

- None-Valid hits are hits came from no-cookies or bots or open proxies. Proxy traffic is considered as non-valid and Advertisers don't pay for it.

- I suggest you try the onClick mode for popunder
yes its Juicy ads popunder stats for 4 days....
i just posted it for u to understand the ratios....

And i have changed to ONCLICK mode as per ur suggestions....Let me see the difference

my CTR% is at 1.18% is it normal ??????

Edited : CTR% is increasing now at 1.28%
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yes its Juicy ads popunder stats for 4 days....
i just posted it for u to understand the ratios....

And i have changed to ONCLICK mode as per ur suggestions....Let me see the difference

my CTR% is at 1.18% is it normal ??????

Edited : CTR% is increasing now at 1.28%

I have been told that your questions been answered by support email
We need good quality adult websites with good percentage of Tier1 and 2 traffic, if you have adult site with at least 5K unique daily let me know, pm me here

current cpm rate for adult websites:

Tier1 (US/UK/AU/CA) CPM ---> 1.7$ - 3$ per 1000 popunder view
Tier2 (Western Europe) CPM ---> 1.4 - 3$ per 1000 popunder view
Other countries up to 1.2$ CPM

let me know
Cash outs are sooooo delayed now a days
popcash & popads seems much better.

I think i will stop using CPV soon .... soo sad
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